Dear Baby Boy,
I love the way your eyes wandering around. The way you looked at me with your beautiful brown twinkling small eyes. Those eyes shine brightly and I don't know if I ever can say No to whatever you will ask for. The way you would look for me when you felt I was further away from you. I know you can smell my presence. Your eyes will be much smaller as your cheeks become chubbier. :) You indeed have my eyes, the chingy eyes. But mine is nothing compared to yours. Coz you have sweet angel eyes......
Aug 17, 2010
Aug 16, 2010
The long needle
Dear Hizqiel,
Mummy is so proud of you. I was so worried last night for this morning event. The nurse checked for your weight and height. You have grown from 2.7kg to a healthy 4kg and you have grown taller too from 49cm to 52cm. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Nurse chatted with mummy a little regarding the immunisation package/price and how she thought Daddy will be with us for next month's checkup. Honestly, I really wanna Daddy to be with us too but sadly weekdays is a difficult time for him.
Then the moment came, it was already time for you to take the Hep-B jab. The long needle scared Aunty Sila out as she was the one carrying you. I was standing by your side and I watched the needle pierced into your skin. You cried out loud but only for a moment.
I'm so proud of you baby. You're so strong. You're more pampered now especially after the injection. You wanna to be cradle almost everytime. I love you so much boy. So much. Muacks!!
Mummy is so proud of you. I was so worried last night for this morning event. The nurse checked for your weight and height. You have grown from 2.7kg to a healthy 4kg and you have grown taller too from 49cm to 52cm. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Nurse chatted with mummy a little regarding the immunisation package/price and how she thought Daddy will be with us for next month's checkup. Honestly, I really wanna Daddy to be with us too but sadly weekdays is a difficult time for him.
Then the moment came, it was already time for you to take the Hep-B jab. The long needle scared Aunty Sila out as she was the one carrying you. I was standing by your side and I watched the needle pierced into your skin. You cried out loud but only for a moment.
I'm so proud of you baby. You're so strong. You're more pampered now especially after the injection. You wanna to be cradle almost everytime. I love you so much boy. So much. Muacks!!
Aug 15, 2010
As soon as he stepped out of the house for HTA at 2110hrs just now, I became all weak inside. He kissed us goodbye for Sunday and will be back to see us on Friday. Everyday is a counting down of hours, especially the nights that how I wish he is around.
Strangely I have not been in tears ever since the arrival of my lil man. But tonight exceptionally I admit defeat. Not too sure of my true feelings now, all I'm worried about is for tomorrow. Baby Hizqiel will be going for his 1 month medical checkup, that also means his 2nd jab. I am worked out, worrying so hard inside. A mum can worry right? Like will he wail so loudly/have a fever/etc.
This may sound very un-independant of me, but tomorrow will be the 1st time I go for a checkup unaccompanied and with the thoughts of me not able to contain my emotions tomorrow really make me all sick right now.
I really hope things will be all well tomorrow. Insya'Allah. Dear God, please help me to go through this with much patience. Please give me the strength that I need and please protect my son from all sickness. Amin.
Strangely I have not been in tears ever since the arrival of my lil man. But tonight exceptionally I admit defeat. Not too sure of my true feelings now, all I'm worried about is for tomorrow. Baby Hizqiel will be going for his 1 month medical checkup, that also means his 2nd jab. I am worked out, worrying so hard inside. A mum can worry right? Like will he wail so loudly/have a fever/etc.
This may sound very un-independant of me, but tomorrow will be the 1st time I go for a checkup unaccompanied and with the thoughts of me not able to contain my emotions tomorrow really make me all sick right now.
I really hope things will be all well tomorrow. Insya'Allah. Dear God, please help me to go through this with much patience. Please give me the strength that I need and please protect my son from all sickness. Amin.
Aug 12, 2010
The Real Numbers
Confinement period, to some I've asked mentioned it is 30 days, some said 40 while some like my mom said it's 44. To play it safe, 44 days it will be. Someone has to listen to her own mother, right?
It's nearing to a month since I laid my eyes on this lil boy I called my own. Hizqiel has tremendously grown since day 1 though I find it so difficult to notice that he is much bigger now. But those chubby cheeks, I gotta say is super cute with his round face.
Alternatively, this may be personal but Hizqiel is mainly on formula now. Up to this very day, I am still encouraging him to latch on and suck it up but he ain't doing it, or is it I am doing it all wrong. I suppose blaming it on me is much better than the lil one. He is so innocent, pure and seeing him calms me. I gotta admit that I am indeed in a lil stress/depress whenever things go on my way and hence this is one of the case too. I shall not give up and will still encourage him to try and try and I have to get the bottle ready, just in case he starts wailing.
Right now, I'm also focusing on getting back my energy and fitness and don't mention the flabby tummy and thighs. These two needs serious major 'makeover'. If only I have thousands of moolah, I shall go for the London weight treatment and shed all those pound and look slim like the ladies as advertised. :D
15 more days to go and 'pantang' will be done. Insya'Allah I can start fasting, loose more weight for raya and seriously 'rimas' already need to go out !!
It's nearing to a month since I laid my eyes on this lil boy I called my own. Hizqiel has tremendously grown since day 1 though I find it so difficult to notice that he is much bigger now. But those chubby cheeks, I gotta say is super cute with his round face.
Alternatively, this may be personal but Hizqiel is mainly on formula now. Up to this very day, I am still encouraging him to latch on and suck it up but he ain't doing it, or is it I am doing it all wrong. I suppose blaming it on me is much better than the lil one. He is so innocent, pure and seeing him calms me. I gotta admit that I am indeed in a lil stress/depress whenever things go on my way and hence this is one of the case too. I shall not give up and will still encourage him to try and try and I have to get the bottle ready, just in case he starts wailing.
Right now, I'm also focusing on getting back my energy and fitness and don't mention the flabby tummy and thighs. These two needs serious major 'makeover'. If only I have thousands of moolah, I shall go for the London weight treatment and shed all those pound and look slim like the ladies as advertised. :D
15 more days to go and 'pantang' will be done. Insya'Allah I can start fasting, loose more weight for raya and seriously 'rimas' already need to go out !!
Jul 24, 2010
140710, 2106
Hi Baby,
Welcome to the world dear Jnr! Mummy would like to note down the event that happen on your birthday.
Following the previous entry on Contraction, boy or boy it was indeed very soon. The little contractions that I felt were the real deal only small little ones and that was dated on 13th July 2010. Amazingly, though I was not full term yet, dear boy can’t wait to see the world.
During my 36weeks checkup with Dr HH Tan on Wednesday, my hypertension was very high. I had to retake my BP twice, one using the machine and the other manually. 3 times with much higher levels, Dr just had to check whether I’m dilated. My oh my, I was already 3 cm dilated by then.
No choice it seems, due to my gestitational diabetes add up with hypertension, with 3cm dilated, Dr had to break my waterbag. I was sent to Labour Ward, did all the registration and in I went at 1400hrs. Did I mention I was pretty much glad that parents, eldest brother and eldest niece came to accompany me for the checkup. If I had went all alone, I will definitely panic! Plus with dear Husband not around, I will be much more stressed up.
In the labour ward with the company of Mak, I felt nothing but scared! I didn’t know what to expect, as it happened too sudden. I couldn’t grasp the real fact that I had to deliver the baby on the same day. All I wanted was for my husband to be by my side. I constantly updating him and wishing that he could hurry on down to be with me.
Time to break the waterbag and Mak was very very afraid to see it, she left the room; leaving me all alone. When the procedure was done, I had no one to hold on to, just my hands on the bedsheet. It was a fast procedure but painful. I updated Zulie almost every few minutes. I was so weak morally that I had to constantly cry on my own. I kept on reciting surah-surah and asking Allah swt for his protection and guidance.
I was already on drip by this time and the nurse constantly checking on the contraction level. She asked if I felt any pain, and when I replied her NO. She said that I might have high tolerance on pain coz apparently I already have contractions 3 minutes apart. Not long after Hubby called to say he is on the way to KK. I felt relieved but really hope that I will not be in so much pain as the contractions are getting stronger each minute. I told my parents to go back as there’s no need to wait for me, it will take long afterall. I know deep down they are very worried for me. It touched me more when my dad was in tears calling my brother to take a look at me while hubby is still on his way.
Hubby arrived by this time and not long after, the nurse in-charged increase the drip level to 12 and not long after, the contractions were stronger with 2 minutes apart.
I finally asked for gas to relieve the pain. It did work a little or should I say it works wonders at the beginning. They mentioned that Doctor will come and check on me at 1900-2000hrs.
I was mentally prepared to have the doctor checked me by this hour. A doctor on duty checked on me and asked if I’m fine. For the past hour, I couldn’t take the pain that I asked the midwife for Epidural. But before giving it to me, she did another check on my dilation and told me that there’s no need for one. She was very confident when she said she will give me another hour and I will definitely be on labour. Though I was feeling the strong contractions so bad, I felt relieved to hear what she said. Meaning, yes! No Epidural for me!!
This is the time where it all happened. I was breathing in and out using the gas constantly and in a faster rate. Midwife called Dr HH Tan. He said he will arrive in 30 minutes time. Meanwhile, hubby was by my side giving me the moral support. He constantly told me to endure the pain and to breathe in and out using the gas. (He is very garang!) Oh did I mentioned, my midwife was garang too? Yes 2 garang people by my side. But all that fierceness worked for me, I listened (alil) and endure the pain.
2030hrs – 2100hrs
Midwife started to tell me to start my own slight pushes. Dr HH Tan arrived and the ‘drama’ begins. I was holding on tight to hubby’s hands. I started to push as directed by midwife and doctor.
Midwife and Doc told me to look infront and not to use the gas and give a final push. I did just that, and there he is..our lil baby born. Tears rolled down hubby’s cheek, the tears of joy. He kissed me and I was relieved and glad that everything went well.
14th July 2010, 2106hrs Baby Hizqiel Matin was born.
Mummy and Daddy love you Jnr!
Welcome to the world dear Jnr! Mummy would like to note down the event that happen on your birthday.
Following the previous entry on Contraction, boy or boy it was indeed very soon. The little contractions that I felt were the real deal only small little ones and that was dated on 13th July 2010. Amazingly, though I was not full term yet, dear boy can’t wait to see the world.
During my 36weeks checkup with Dr HH Tan on Wednesday, my hypertension was very high. I had to retake my BP twice, one using the machine and the other manually. 3 times with much higher levels, Dr just had to check whether I’m dilated. My oh my, I was already 3 cm dilated by then.
No choice it seems, due to my gestitational diabetes add up with hypertension, with 3cm dilated, Dr had to break my waterbag. I was sent to Labour Ward, did all the registration and in I went at 1400hrs. Did I mention I was pretty much glad that parents, eldest brother and eldest niece came to accompany me for the checkup. If I had went all alone, I will definitely panic! Plus with dear Husband not around, I will be much more stressed up.
In the labour ward with the company of Mak, I felt nothing but scared! I didn’t know what to expect, as it happened too sudden. I couldn’t grasp the real fact that I had to deliver the baby on the same day. All I wanted was for my husband to be by my side. I constantly updating him and wishing that he could hurry on down to be with me.
Time to break the waterbag and Mak was very very afraid to see it, she left the room; leaving me all alone. When the procedure was done, I had no one to hold on to, just my hands on the bedsheet. It was a fast procedure but painful. I updated Zulie almost every few minutes. I was so weak morally that I had to constantly cry on my own. I kept on reciting surah-surah and asking Allah swt for his protection and guidance.
I was already on drip by this time and the nurse constantly checking on the contraction level. She asked if I felt any pain, and when I replied her NO. She said that I might have high tolerance on pain coz apparently I already have contractions 3 minutes apart. Not long after Hubby called to say he is on the way to KK. I felt relieved but really hope that I will not be in so much pain as the contractions are getting stronger each minute. I told my parents to go back as there’s no need to wait for me, it will take long afterall. I know deep down they are very worried for me. It touched me more when my dad was in tears calling my brother to take a look at me while hubby is still on his way.
Hubby arrived by this time and not long after, the nurse in-charged increase the drip level to 12 and not long after, the contractions were stronger with 2 minutes apart.
I finally asked for gas to relieve the pain. It did work a little or should I say it works wonders at the beginning. They mentioned that Doctor will come and check on me at 1900-2000hrs.
I was mentally prepared to have the doctor checked me by this hour. A doctor on duty checked on me and asked if I’m fine. For the past hour, I couldn’t take the pain that I asked the midwife for Epidural. But before giving it to me, she did another check on my dilation and told me that there’s no need for one. She was very confident when she said she will give me another hour and I will definitely be on labour. Though I was feeling the strong contractions so bad, I felt relieved to hear what she said. Meaning, yes! No Epidural for me!!
This is the time where it all happened. I was breathing in and out using the gas constantly and in a faster rate. Midwife called Dr HH Tan. He said he will arrive in 30 minutes time. Meanwhile, hubby was by my side giving me the moral support. He constantly told me to endure the pain and to breathe in and out using the gas. (He is very garang!) Oh did I mentioned, my midwife was garang too? Yes 2 garang people by my side. But all that fierceness worked for me, I listened (alil) and endure the pain.
2030hrs – 2100hrs
Midwife started to tell me to start my own slight pushes. Dr HH Tan arrived and the ‘drama’ begins. I was holding on tight to hubby’s hands. I started to push as directed by midwife and doctor.
Midwife and Doc told me to look infront and not to use the gas and give a final push. I did just that, and there he is..our lil baby born. Tears rolled down hubby’s cheek, the tears of joy. He kissed me and I was relieved and glad that everything went well.
14th July 2010, 2106hrs Baby Hizqiel Matin was born.
Mummy and Daddy love you Jnr!
Jul 13, 2010
Labor Contractions
Hi Baby,
Since last night, I've been thinking lately on the term 'Contractions'. Ever since my gf, Aisha was admitted in Labor ward for 15hrs with constant contractions of minutes apart but still your lil friend is not ready as yet.
Many of my friends said, contractions are like menstrual cramps and it will certainly attack the back of my body. Honestly I am clueless on how the pain will be as I've hardly experience mestrual cramps but at the same time I am looking forward to it.
Last night about 8-ish, I kinda felt that pain though slightly it did alarmed me and with you moving strongly, changing your position. Though it felt tightened at the abdomen area but not the back. It lasted for atleast 5 seconds then it went away. Honestly Mummy is very clueless now, still unsure what was that. Then just 30 mins ago, I felt the same thing and once again, it lasted for 5 seconds and it dissappear.
I decided to google on Labor Contractions and this is what I read.
Labor Contractions
Labor contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle, the largest muscle in a woman's body. Something triggers the pituitary gland to release a hormone called oxytocin that stimulates the uterine tightening. It is difficult to predict when true labor contractions will begin.
Contractions are often described as a cramping or tightening sensation that starts in the back and moves around to the front in a wave-like manner. Others say the contraction feels like pressure in the back. During a contraction, the abdomen becomes hard to the touch. In the childbirth process, the work of labor is done through a series of contractions. These contractions cause the upper part of the uterus (fundus) to tighten and thicken while the cervix and lower portion of the uterus stretch and relax, helping the baby pass from inside the uterus and into the birth canal for delivery.
How Contractions are Timed
Contractions are intermittent, with a valuable rest period for you, your baby, and your uterus following each one. When timing contractions, start counting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next.
The easiest way to time contractions is to write down on paper the time each contraction starts and its duration, or count the seconds the actual contraction lasts, as shown in the example below. Writing down the time and length of the contraction is extremely helpful for describing your contraction pattern to your physician, midwife or hospital labor and delivery personnel.
What Contractions Feel Like
Many mothers describe contractions that occur in early labor as similar to menstrual cramps, or as severe gas pains, which may be confused with flu symptoms or intestinal disorders. Imagine your contractions as looking like a wave. Each contraction will gradually gain in intensity until the contraction peaks, then slowly subside and go away. As your body does the work of labor, it is likely that the time in between contractions will become shorter.
As the strength of each contraction increases, the peaks will come sooner and last longer. There should be some regularity or pattern when timed. Persistent contractions that have no rhythm but are five-to-seven minutes apart or less should be reported to your physician or midwife
Try to visualize contractions as positive
Think of each contraction as something positive—it is bringing you that much closer to the birth of your baby. Visualize what the contractions are accomplishing, the thinning and opening of the cervix and the pushing of the baby downward. Try to work with your body rather than against it by staying as relaxed as possible during the contractions.
Typical Length or Duration
A typical labor for a first time mother is eight-to-fourteen hours, and is usually shorter for a second or subsequent birth. For many women, rocking in a chair or swaying during a contraction assists them with this relaxation.
Am thinking positive now. Mummy will wait for the 'pain' to come again and we'll see if it's really the contractions :)
Since last night, I've been thinking lately on the term 'Contractions'. Ever since my gf, Aisha was admitted in Labor ward for 15hrs with constant contractions of minutes apart but still your lil friend is not ready as yet.
Many of my friends said, contractions are like menstrual cramps and it will certainly attack the back of my body. Honestly I am clueless on how the pain will be as I've hardly experience mestrual cramps but at the same time I am looking forward to it.
Last night about 8-ish, I kinda felt that pain though slightly it did alarmed me and with you moving strongly, changing your position. Though it felt tightened at the abdomen area but not the back. It lasted for atleast 5 seconds then it went away. Honestly Mummy is very clueless now, still unsure what was that. Then just 30 mins ago, I felt the same thing and once again, it lasted for 5 seconds and it dissappear.
I decided to google on Labor Contractions and this is what I read.
Labor Contractions
Labor contractions are the periodic tightening and relaxing of the uterine muscle, the largest muscle in a woman's body. Something triggers the pituitary gland to release a hormone called oxytocin that stimulates the uterine tightening. It is difficult to predict when true labor contractions will begin.
Contractions are often described as a cramping or tightening sensation that starts in the back and moves around to the front in a wave-like manner. Others say the contraction feels like pressure in the back. During a contraction, the abdomen becomes hard to the touch. In the childbirth process, the work of labor is done through a series of contractions. These contractions cause the upper part of the uterus (fundus) to tighten and thicken while the cervix and lower portion of the uterus stretch and relax, helping the baby pass from inside the uterus and into the birth canal for delivery.
How Contractions are Timed
Contractions are intermittent, with a valuable rest period for you, your baby, and your uterus following each one. When timing contractions, start counting from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next.
The easiest way to time contractions is to write down on paper the time each contraction starts and its duration, or count the seconds the actual contraction lasts, as shown in the example below. Writing down the time and length of the contraction is extremely helpful for describing your contraction pattern to your physician, midwife or hospital labor and delivery personnel.
What Contractions Feel Like
Many mothers describe contractions that occur in early labor as similar to menstrual cramps, or as severe gas pains, which may be confused with flu symptoms or intestinal disorders. Imagine your contractions as looking like a wave. Each contraction will gradually gain in intensity until the contraction peaks, then slowly subside and go away. As your body does the work of labor, it is likely that the time in between contractions will become shorter.
As the strength of each contraction increases, the peaks will come sooner and last longer. There should be some regularity or pattern when timed. Persistent contractions that have no rhythm but are five-to-seven minutes apart or less should be reported to your physician or midwife
Try to visualize contractions as positive
Think of each contraction as something positive—it is bringing you that much closer to the birth of your baby. Visualize what the contractions are accomplishing, the thinning and opening of the cervix and the pushing of the baby downward. Try to work with your body rather than against it by staying as relaxed as possible during the contractions.
Typical Length or Duration
A typical labor for a first time mother is eight-to-fourteen hours, and is usually shorter for a second or subsequent birth. For many women, rocking in a chair or swaying during a contraction assists them with this relaxation.
Am thinking positive now. Mummy will wait for the 'pain' to come again and we'll see if it's really the contractions :)
Jul 12, 2010
@ 36 weeks
Hi Baby,
It feels darn good that mummy's maternity leave kicks off today. Woohoo!!
Feeling more relax that I'm away from work, office but I do miss the nice people at work.
Even you feel the same too, with your movements since morning and as I'm typing this, I could feel you are more relax too. :)
Sadly, I really want this rest badly.
This coming 14th July (wed) we will meet again my dear jnr and finally we have decided on a name for you.
Insya'Allah everything will be fine. Smooth delivery and all. However baby, mummy really hope you decide to see the world on the last week of July or during the due date itself, when your father is around. :) Mummy wouldn't wanna him to miss his lessons, his trainings though. Let's work together as a family right now ok.
I am so excited for your arrival and at the same time, I'm really unsure of my feelings of fear and anxiety. People around us are all excited, guess that has taken much of my 'fear'. Whatever it is the pain will be, I am looking forward to it. Everybit of it as I wanna it to be a great experience for me as a Mummy. So one fine day, I could tell you how is it having you from day 1.
More or less your stuffs are ready, except that Mummy needs to do more spring cleaning at home. So you see taking early leave is not only to rest but to also clean up the room for you dear. Mummy loves you.
See you this Wednesday. This time around Nenek and Datuk will be accompanying us ya.
It feels darn good that mummy's maternity leave kicks off today. Woohoo!!
Feeling more relax that I'm away from work, office but I do miss the nice people at work.
Even you feel the same too, with your movements since morning and as I'm typing this, I could feel you are more relax too. :)
Sadly, I really want this rest badly.
This coming 14th July (wed) we will meet again my dear jnr and finally we have decided on a name for you.
Insya'Allah everything will be fine. Smooth delivery and all. However baby, mummy really hope you decide to see the world on the last week of July or during the due date itself, when your father is around. :) Mummy wouldn't wanna him to miss his lessons, his trainings though. Let's work together as a family right now ok.
I am so excited for your arrival and at the same time, I'm really unsure of my feelings of fear and anxiety. People around us are all excited, guess that has taken much of my 'fear'. Whatever it is the pain will be, I am looking forward to it. Everybit of it as I wanna it to be a great experience for me as a Mummy. So one fine day, I could tell you how is it having you from day 1.
More or less your stuffs are ready, except that Mummy needs to do more spring cleaning at home. So you see taking early leave is not only to rest but to also clean up the room for you dear. Mummy loves you.
See you this Wednesday. This time around Nenek and Datuk will be accompanying us ya.
Jun 30, 2010
My Lil unborn mischief
Syukur Alhamdulillah. You're doing fine Baby. Your legs are on my left side now no wonder the super active kicking and movements these few days. You are lying about 45 degrees with your head on my bottom right side. Hence the bulging round on the bottom right often during my sleep and in the morning. :)
Baby, you're my lil mischief. You will move strongly and actively minutes before we enter the doctor's room. But once we're in the room, you will often be quiet and lay there without moving nor kicking. You will be a good boy. Then once we left the room, you started to move and kicking mummy. Are you scared to see Dr Tan? Hehe. :)
Today Mummy Maria is one happy delighted individual as it was her 1st time witnessing a baby scan. She saw your head, your heartbeat and surprisingly she kept saying Dr Tan is a cute doctor. Cheeky as ever!
After visiting Doc Tan, mummy went to visit the dietian regarding the sugar readings for the past few weeks. Syukur everything is fine, instead of high she mentioned that it was rather low. But still Mummy needs to continue taking the sugar readings til labour.
We will meet again this coming 14th July baby. This time around, we will bring Nenek and Datuk along ya since Daddy is in camp. I'm sure Daddy miss you alot.
Good Night my lil mischief.
Love you,
Baby, you're my lil mischief. You will move strongly and actively minutes before we enter the doctor's room. But once we're in the room, you will often be quiet and lay there without moving nor kicking. You will be a good boy. Then once we left the room, you started to move and kicking mummy. Are you scared to see Dr Tan? Hehe. :)
Today Mummy Maria is one happy delighted individual as it was her 1st time witnessing a baby scan. She saw your head, your heartbeat and surprisingly she kept saying Dr Tan is a cute doctor. Cheeky as ever!
After visiting Doc Tan, mummy went to visit the dietian regarding the sugar readings for the past few weeks. Syukur everything is fine, instead of high she mentioned that it was rather low. But still Mummy needs to continue taking the sugar readings til labour.
We will meet again this coming 14th July baby. This time around, we will bring Nenek and Datuk along ya since Daddy is in camp. I'm sure Daddy miss you alot.
Good Night my lil mischief.
Love you,
Jun 29, 2010
@ 34 weeks
At 34 weeks now and feeling all emotional/mixed feelings. But definately I could feel Jnr's movement are stronger and harder now. Each push, kick are often too strong that all I wanna do is laugh. Yes mummy is enjoying all these baby. I'm gonna miss having you moving in me when it is time for you to see the world.
But not too soon dear. Not just yet. As you know Daddy is not at home from Monday-Thursday. So please hang in there when it is already full term and when Daddy is around ya.
Mummy will certainly would like to thank you for being there for and with me when Daddy is not around. You keep me company with your cute movements that all I wanna do is smile and talk to you. I hope I am feeding you well these days. Tomorrow I will see you and I am so excited and anxious to know your progress at this stage and also I really hope the diabetes level has gone down. I really hope you are doing just fine inside, happy and healthy.
I love you Jnr. See you tomorrow.
Mummy loves you.
Good night love.
But not too soon dear. Not just yet. As you know Daddy is not at home from Monday-Thursday. So please hang in there when it is already full term and when Daddy is around ya.
Mummy will certainly would like to thank you for being there for and with me when Daddy is not around. You keep me company with your cute movements that all I wanna do is smile and talk to you. I hope I am feeding you well these days. Tomorrow I will see you and I am so excited and anxious to know your progress at this stage and also I really hope the diabetes level has gone down. I really hope you are doing just fine inside, happy and healthy.
I love you Jnr. See you tomorrow.
Mummy loves you.
Good night love.
@ 32 weeks
Nothing much had happened nor happening lately. Only to name some, that I am currently 32 weeks pregnant now. Happily carrying this bundle of joy in me, everywhere I go and do. To the extent of me getting all worked out at work, there he is still in me being all strong. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Jnr has been my strength all these while. It’s really amazing how the love from a mom to her unborn child even started before he is born. I often felt as one talking to him and that he knew I am communicating to him. To give him food to eat, drink. He will understand when I told him to stay quiet so I can sleep soundly at night. He understood it all and follows to it, sometimes.
With few weeks counting down to the big day, my tummy still look more pointed as ever and though it may look low, once touch it is still all high. The next frequent sentence when I told the ladies, that it is not time yet.
I somehow knew that it’s definitely not gonna me this month but certainly I have the gut feeling that it may just wanna make an exit on the 3rd week of July or on the 1st week of August. I shall do the convincing to Jnr again, (after so much attempt of convincing him every day and night) to make an exit ending of July or early August or atleast when Mister is around on the weekends.
I told my friend that I would like someone to buy me a Baby Journal so I can write all the things about Jnr from day one and I would like to have the Polaroid Camera so I can snap the pics of Jnr and paste it on the book. 10 minutes after thinking through it, I don’t need both of them. I shall result to online blogging with pictures in softcopy. For all I know, my handwriting will be a mess then I will be too lazy to write after all.
Will blog again soon. Toodles.
Jnr has been my strength all these while. It’s really amazing how the love from a mom to her unborn child even started before he is born. I often felt as one talking to him and that he knew I am communicating to him. To give him food to eat, drink. He will understand when I told him to stay quiet so I can sleep soundly at night. He understood it all and follows to it, sometimes.
With few weeks counting down to the big day, my tummy still look more pointed as ever and though it may look low, once touch it is still all high. The next frequent sentence when I told the ladies, that it is not time yet.
I somehow knew that it’s definitely not gonna me this month but certainly I have the gut feeling that it may just wanna make an exit on the 3rd week of July or on the 1st week of August. I shall do the convincing to Jnr again, (after so much attempt of convincing him every day and night) to make an exit ending of July or early August or atleast when Mister is around on the weekends.
I told my friend that I would like someone to buy me a Baby Journal so I can write all the things about Jnr from day one and I would like to have the Polaroid Camera so I can snap the pics of Jnr and paste it on the book. 10 minutes after thinking through it, I don’t need both of them. I shall result to online blogging with pictures in softcopy. For all I know, my handwriting will be a mess then I will be too lazy to write after all.
Will blog again soon. Toodles.
May 28, 2010
A public holiday today and I felt the need to type something random here.
This week particularly has been a wonderful ride so far. With last saturday to begin with. Friends and Cousins gathered. Then come Sunday with Hubby, with Ikea surveying. The need to change our bedframe for something that can store stuffs. The neat-freak/to be organised me kicks in not too long ago. Especially with Jnr coming soon. All I want is for our room to be all ready for Jnr and us.
Not to mentioned that work oh damn work have taken so much anger in me sometimes, yet still I tried to stay compose for work is yes only work. Gotta admit, I need the money to be bank in every month and no I don't hate my job only that, this coming Sept it will be 6 years already and with the rate I'm going to. I have the thoughts of leaving already. probably wanting to be a full time housewife.
On wednesday had my 7 months checkup. It all went well. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Placenta not that low anymore, baby's position is good; no longer bridge and weighing estimately at 1.9kg. mummy and jnr both doing just fine and healthy. We thank Allah (s.w.t) for this and ofcourse to our family and friends for their prayers.
And just to add on to that, the OGTT was a fear factor for me. A cup of glucose drink, euwww. All I really hope now for the next checkup next month, results will be good. Insya'Allah.
2 days MC to that simply mean nothing else but Great! Away from work for a while sure did justice to me. Will only be reporting back to work on Monday. Feels nice.
Today I just wanna chill and watch some dvd perhaps.
Have a great weekend people!
This week particularly has been a wonderful ride so far. With last saturday to begin with. Friends and Cousins gathered. Then come Sunday with Hubby, with Ikea surveying. The need to change our bedframe for something that can store stuffs. The neat-freak/to be organised me kicks in not too long ago. Especially with Jnr coming soon. All I want is for our room to be all ready for Jnr and us.
Not to mentioned that work oh damn work have taken so much anger in me sometimes, yet still I tried to stay compose for work is yes only work. Gotta admit, I need the money to be bank in every month and no I don't hate my job only that, this coming Sept it will be 6 years already and with the rate I'm going to. I have the thoughts of leaving already. probably wanting to be a full time housewife.
On wednesday had my 7 months checkup. It all went well. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Placenta not that low anymore, baby's position is good; no longer bridge and weighing estimately at 1.9kg. mummy and jnr both doing just fine and healthy. We thank Allah (s.w.t) for this and ofcourse to our family and friends for their prayers.
And just to add on to that, the OGTT was a fear factor for me. A cup of glucose drink, euwww. All I really hope now for the next checkup next month, results will be good. Insya'Allah.
2 days MC to that simply mean nothing else but Great! Away from work for a while sure did justice to me. Will only be reporting back to work on Monday. Feels nice.
Today I just wanna chill and watch some dvd perhaps.
Have a great weekend people!
Mar 29, 2010
Malay Donut, anyone?
my favourite kueh. Kueh Keria.
Made of sweet potato and flour. Then deep fry it and add sugar powder coating. :)
Uncle, ABC Market please. Thank You.
Whenever we take the cab to visit my parents, this will be my usual line. "Uncle, ABC Market...can?" and definately they will know where. :)
so you eastsides, northsiders have you heard of ABC Marketplace? Used to be known as Brickworks.
When weekend comes..
When weekend comes, we do nothing much unless head out for awhile and find something to do or should I say find something to eat. I gotta admit, it is not all healthy. But only when weekend comes, I pamper myself (and Junior too). When weekday return, healthy home food with fruits, vege and plenty of plain water.
Mar 25, 2010
Once again dusting off the dirt off this page. Ok what's new right?
Seriously nothing much to update for now.
Nearly a month passed since the last time I updated this page.
Truth be told, everyday life is just fill with everyday work. The head can break into two if I would say so, but thankfully with all the workload Junior is doing fine.
Junior didn't gimme much trouble like nausea nor vomitting. Infact I feel normal except for the tummy that is slowly showing hence people in train will not mistook it as boncit! Sad but true. Nevermind fellow Singaporeans, do what you do best. Be ignorant. Maybe one day I shall carry "I am pregnant please offer me the seat" book. That shall teach them some lesson, right? LOL.
At 20 weeks plus now, I can feel more tired, walking slower than I used to, could feel Junior kicking whenever I having my meals a lil late or recently when I was playing with Hubby's 3 months nephew. Could Junior probably be jealous? Hehehe.
Yesterday we went for ADC at KKH. To get the progress of Junior. Being a good child, Junior didn't make me to walk around or come back few minutes later for the scanning. It was a simple easy one for me, simply hassle-free indeed. Thank You baby.
After being amazed with all the bones structure, jawline, blood pressure, blood flow in and out and heartbeat, we were asked if we wanna know Junior's gender. Hey ofcourse Why not since Junior is doing fine and so our Junior is a Baby Boy. Yup showing off his lil friend there. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Gotta say those 97% people who guessed Junior to be a girl, got it all wrong. Infact some don't believe me til they wanna me to bring the scan picture for them to confirm. Ish these mummies.
Doctor told me my Junior's buttock is at the bottom. In malay would be songsang. I hope in few months to come as Junior grow bigger, he will turn and I need to be more careful now as my placenta is at the low-end too.
Nonetheless, Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Allah S.W.T. for blessing me and hubby a precious baby. Insya'Allah everything will be fine. Amin.
Seriously nothing much to update for now.
Nearly a month passed since the last time I updated this page.
Truth be told, everyday life is just fill with everyday work. The head can break into two if I would say so, but thankfully with all the workload Junior is doing fine.
Junior didn't gimme much trouble like nausea nor vomitting. Infact I feel normal except for the tummy that is slowly showing hence people in train will not mistook it as boncit! Sad but true. Nevermind fellow Singaporeans, do what you do best. Be ignorant. Maybe one day I shall carry "I am pregnant please offer me the seat" book. That shall teach them some lesson, right? LOL.
At 20 weeks plus now, I can feel more tired, walking slower than I used to, could feel Junior kicking whenever I having my meals a lil late or recently when I was playing with Hubby's 3 months nephew. Could Junior probably be jealous? Hehehe.
Yesterday we went for ADC at KKH. To get the progress of Junior. Being a good child, Junior didn't make me to walk around or come back few minutes later for the scanning. It was a simple easy one for me, simply hassle-free indeed. Thank You baby.
After being amazed with all the bones structure, jawline, blood pressure, blood flow in and out and heartbeat, we were asked if we wanna know Junior's gender. Hey ofcourse Why not since Junior is doing fine and so our Junior is a Baby Boy. Yup showing off his lil friend there. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Gotta say those 97% people who guessed Junior to be a girl, got it all wrong. Infact some don't believe me til they wanna me to bring the scan picture for them to confirm. Ish these mummies.
Doctor told me my Junior's buttock is at the bottom. In malay would be songsang. I hope in few months to come as Junior grow bigger, he will turn and I need to be more careful now as my placenta is at the low-end too.
Nonetheless, Syukur Alhamdulillah kepada Allah S.W.T. for blessing me and hubby a precious baby. Insya'Allah everything will be fine. Amin.
Mar 2, 2010
One of those random days
As much as I wanna be back on my 2 feet to be all geared up for work and etc as it is the beginning of March and here I am, slogging my body at home; resting.
Miss Fever and Mr Flu came to visit me late on Sunday. Then wee morning that dry throat felt like dehydrated. Drank some water then out it went to the toilet bowl. Felt sucky as ever. Still stubborn me woke up for work but could only stay sane for half of the day. But throughout it all, lots of walking back and forth to the toilet, coughing and loads of mood swings. Hence asked for a half day leave to have a rest but sadly half day is not enough.
Today I asked for urgent leave as Miss Fever and Mr Flu still here. Yup. I just took panadol, rest and loads of fruits. Thanks to my dear Hubby for being there for me to look after my meals, my condition and etc. I LOVE YOU dear!
Right now, apples and oranges are my best companion. I hope I will get better by today so I could head back to work. (don't wanna waste mc and leave).
K then head spinning now. gotta go.
Miss Fever and Mr Flu came to visit me late on Sunday. Then wee morning that dry throat felt like dehydrated. Drank some water then out it went to the toilet bowl. Felt sucky as ever. Still stubborn me woke up for work but could only stay sane for half of the day. But throughout it all, lots of walking back and forth to the toilet, coughing and loads of mood swings. Hence asked for a half day leave to have a rest but sadly half day is not enough.
Today I asked for urgent leave as Miss Fever and Mr Flu still here. Yup. I just took panadol, rest and loads of fruits. Thanks to my dear Hubby for being there for me to look after my meals, my condition and etc. I LOVE YOU dear!
Right now, apples and oranges are my best companion. I hope I will get better by today so I could head back to work. (don't wanna waste mc and leave).
K then head spinning now. gotta go.
Feb 26, 2010
My latest additions to the current ones.
Introducing Panasonic Lumix LX-3
Then came this idea of wanting to try to do something like RuxtA. He has always been glued to his laptop, Kaoss Pad and latest toy KP3. Ok gotta admit this one is kinda on impulsive. He showed me that this toy is available in pink. That excites me! He told me what it can do and all. So I kinda find it cool for me to learn something basic. Plus I have never know how to play musical instrument unlike him. Though this don't really count as an instrument, but it electronically could do some beats. (I am really not sure if I was con to get this. If I pay for it, he won't need to get his own right?) LOL!
He collected it yesterday and I started to play with it. Totally new to this kinda thing, he thought me what each button can do, how to look for drum pattern, bass, etc. He did some loop for me to start with, then slowly I added on some to the existing loop. Very raw and virgin still. He do it faster and better than me definately.
Introducing Panasonic Lumix LX-3
Since I already have the Canon DSRL, this new baby is basically to help me when I can't bring the biggie along for let's say upcoming PARAMORE LIVE in SG or wherever that might says "No picture taking is allowed". I have been contemplating for few months already and finally I just gotta say go for this time round since I've not purchase anything expensive after receiving the big B. ;)
And the Limited Edition Pink Korg Kaossilator
He collected it yesterday and I started to play with it. Totally new to this kinda thing, he thought me what each button can do, how to look for drum pattern, bass, etc. He did some loop for me to start with, then slowly I added on some to the existing loop. Very raw and virgin still. He do it faster and better than me definately.
Feb 25, 2010
Bite to Oreo
Enjoying every bite of Oreo now. Yummy. I usually eat it by opening the cookies, cut the cream to half and place the other half to the other bottom or twisting the cookie. So both side will be spread with cream. Then into my mouth it goes. Hence instead of having 1 cookie, i kinda have 2 halfs. :)
I know some people love it by dunking it to white milk. But dear me, don't favour white milk. So this the way I eat my Oreo. How about you?
Feb 19, 2010
TGIF not!
TGIF not!
Most of the times how I wished my monthly check ups will come nearer, faster. Just so I can some time-off from the 730hrs to 1630hrs at the desk.
One week left to bid goodbye to February. March could you just hurry up by now for one thing that will eventually come true, singing along with Hayley this coming 7th March; seating that is.
Since mind is blocked by all the laziness, here I present pictures of last Saturday at NIE. My 1st encounter with Mac PC and yes LENE introduced me to Photobooth.
Happy Friday people! I am not so in the mood just because I’m working tomorrow. Thank goodness for only 4hours.
Most of the times how I wished my monthly check ups will come nearer, faster. Just so I can some time-off from the 730hrs to 1630hrs at the desk.
One week left to bid goodbye to February. March could you just hurry up by now for one thing that will eventually come true, singing along with Hayley this coming 7th March; seating that is.
Since mind is blocked by all the laziness, here I present pictures of last Saturday at NIE. My 1st encounter with Mac PC and yes LENE introduced me to Photobooth.
Happy Friday people! I am not so in the mood just because I’m working tomorrow. Thank goodness for only 4hours.
Feb 13, 2010
44th days of 2010
This site has been left to collect an amount of dust that is unbearable. Aplenty of things have happened to me, my other half, my family, my friends and my surroundings. Only that I can't put the feelings emotions and thoughts to words for those moments I went through.
That I chose this very day to lay most of the not so happening things. In the comfort of a chair, Mac PC (1st timer tho!) with uniquely sounds played by the boys and their toys in NIE, Mac Centre. Nothing else will be more peaceful than this. Yes I am referring to the Mac PCs. Not the boys and their forever progressive toys that ARE never enough. Yes RuxtA, you know what I meant. :p
2010, for all that WE wanna it to be as surreal as it can be. Turning 27 on the 4th Jan somehow made me complete. All because a month before that very day, I found out that I'm pregnant. It was not really my plan to get it check, all my due intention was to get an MC. Honestly speaking it was December for what I knew and already planted at the back, front and sides of my brain that it gonna be my lazy month of the year. Besides being all tired, I wanna get my urine tested. Then when I returned to the doctor's room, I can clearly remember her words "Congratulation Sayang you're pregnant.." and believe me this was what I told her "Oh you mean this kit shows it's positive?" Yes silly but I was happy. Texted Hubby to tell him the news followed by Zulie and then Cousin Maria. We (4) kept the news as a secret except that of course they gotta tell their other half. Secret it was, not a single word or sign to any other friends, and family. Even our very own parents.
On 14th December, I experienced some blood discharge. Read through various sites as I already knew that it could mean up to no good. Hence that night, I went to KK 24hr clinic to confirm everything, that evening I finally get to see the lump of blood with heartbeat. Syukur Alhamdulillah.
Two weeks later, I finally told my parents. By simply giving a white envelope to my mak. Telling her that there's money inside and it's for her. Tricked her to open it up to only find the Ultrasound picture. She did not say a word but 2 minutes later when my 17 year old niece knew what it was, she said "Dah ada?"(you're pregnant?) but my mak still kept quiet passing it to my bak. Then mak said "Siapa punya ni?" (Who it belongs to?) Classic question ever. 15 minutes later she came to me and finally asked why I kept it from her for too long.. That felt good after telling them, then Hubby told my in-laws few days after. Then slowly to close friends and cousins.
And now I'm already coming to 14 weeks. I've decided to lay it out here. Though my relatives especially my cousins are clueless. I really hope they get to read this and finally knew about my condition. :) Please don't take it the wrong way, as I have my reasons for keeping it from all of you. I would like to let it past my 1st trimester first, as these 3 months are the crucial months and my another reason would be a lil personal but meant only for her. I really hope you understand why I kept it from you, I so feel you my dear cousin. Hence I didn't wanna somehow hurt your feelings. I can't seem to make myself tell you the news eventhough the other cousins already knew by now. I'm truly sorry, I am.
Few days ago, 10th Feb went for my 2nd checkup and this time, we could see tiny hand waving at us. Probably saying Hi to mummy and daddy. :)
My eldest brother remarried on 6th Feb. Hubby will be entering the Police Force next month.
Last but not least, it is totally random.. I'm so crazy for more G-Shock watches! Random Yes I know. :p
Jan 9, 2010
Heads up for 2010
Happy 2010 fellow bloggers.
As usual, there ain't anything fun to read. Serious. So yea this blog is nothing but collecting dust just like the boxes I have in the office. First of all, I owe alot of updates on the new year/advance birthday/Actual birthday and belated birthday dinner. Will certainly come back with some pictures that nothing fancy but for the sake of memoirs, all in good hands I say.
Promise with many more updates soon. :):)
Btw not sure bout you, but I am certainly excited every month and definately looking forward to it this year.
As usual, there ain't anything fun to read. Serious. So yea this blog is nothing but collecting dust just like the boxes I have in the office. First of all, I owe alot of updates on the new year/advance birthday/Actual birthday and belated birthday dinner. Will certainly come back with some pictures that nothing fancy but for the sake of memoirs, all in good hands I say.
Promise with many more updates soon. :):)
Btw not sure bout you, but I am certainly excited every month and definately looking forward to it this year.
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