Hi Baby,
Welcome to the world dear Jnr! Mummy would like to note down the event that happen on your birthday.
Following the previous entry on Contraction, boy or boy it was indeed very soon. The little contractions that I felt were the real deal only small little ones and that was dated on 13th July 2010. Amazingly, though I was not full term yet, dear boy can’t wait to see the world.
During my 36weeks checkup with Dr HH Tan on Wednesday, my hypertension was very high. I had to retake my BP twice, one using the machine and the other manually. 3 times with much higher levels, Dr just had to check whether I’m dilated. My oh my, I was already 3 cm dilated by then.
No choice it seems, due to my gestitational diabetes add up with hypertension, with 3cm dilated, Dr had to break my waterbag. I was sent to Labour Ward, did all the registration and in I went at 1400hrs. Did I mention I was pretty much glad that parents, eldest brother and eldest niece came to accompany me for the checkup. If I had went all alone, I will definitely panic! Plus with dear Husband not around, I will be much more stressed up.
In the labour ward with the company of Mak, I felt nothing but scared! I didn’t know what to expect, as it happened too sudden. I couldn’t grasp the real fact that I had to deliver the baby on the same day. All I wanted was for my husband to be by my side. I constantly updating him and wishing that he could hurry on down to be with me.
Time to break the waterbag and Mak was very very afraid to see it, she left the room; leaving me all alone. When the procedure was done, I had no one to hold on to, just my hands on the bedsheet. It was a fast procedure but painful. I updated Zulie almost every few minutes. I was so weak morally that I had to constantly cry on my own. I kept on reciting surah-surah and asking Allah swt for his protection and guidance.
I was already on drip by this time and the nurse constantly checking on the contraction level. She asked if I felt any pain, and when I replied her NO. She said that I might have high tolerance on pain coz apparently I already have contractions 3 minutes apart. Not long after Hubby called to say he is on the way to KK. I felt relieved but really hope that I will not be in so much pain as the contractions are getting stronger each minute. I told my parents to go back as there’s no need to wait for me, it will take long afterall. I know deep down they are very worried for me. It touched me more when my dad was in tears calling my brother to take a look at me while hubby is still on his way.
Hubby arrived by this time and not long after, the nurse in-charged increase the drip level to 12 and not long after, the contractions were stronger with 2 minutes apart.
I finally asked for gas to relieve the pain. It did work a little or should I say it works wonders at the beginning. They mentioned that Doctor will come and check on me at 1900-2000hrs.
I was mentally prepared to have the doctor checked me by this hour. A doctor on duty checked on me and asked if I’m fine. For the past hour, I couldn’t take the pain that I asked the midwife for Epidural. But before giving it to me, she did another check on my dilation and told me that there’s no need for one. She was very confident when she said she will give me another hour and I will definitely be on labour. Though I was feeling the strong contractions so bad, I felt relieved to hear what she said. Meaning, yes! No Epidural for me!!
This is the time where it all happened. I was breathing in and out using the gas constantly and in a faster rate. Midwife called Dr HH Tan. He said he will arrive in 30 minutes time. Meanwhile, hubby was by my side giving me the moral support. He constantly told me to endure the pain and to breathe in and out using the gas. (He is very garang!) Oh did I mentioned, my midwife was garang too? Yes 2 garang people by my side. But all that fierceness worked for me, I listened (alil) and endure the pain.
2030hrs – 2100hrs
Midwife started to tell me to start my own slight pushes. Dr HH Tan arrived and the ‘drama’ begins. I was holding on tight to hubby’s hands. I started to push as directed by midwife and doctor.
Midwife and Doc told me to look infront and not to use the gas and give a final push. I did just that, and there he is..our lil baby born. Tears rolled down hubby’s cheek, the tears of joy. He kissed me and I was relieved and glad that everything went well.
14th July 2010, 2106hrs Baby Hizqiel Matin was born.
Mummy and Daddy love you Jnr!
Jul 24, 2010
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