Aug 17, 2010

Sweet Angel Eyes

Dear Baby Boy,

I love the way your eyes wandering around. The way you looked at me with your beautiful brown twinkling small eyes. Those eyes shine brightly and I don't know if I ever can say No to whatever you will ask for. The way you would look for me when you felt I was further away from you. I know you can smell my presence. Your eyes will be much smaller as your cheeks become chubbier. :) You indeed have my eyes, the chingy eyes. But mine is nothing compared to yours. Coz you have sweet angel eyes......



Aug 16, 2010

The long needle

Dear Hizqiel,

Mummy is so proud of you. I was so worried last night for this morning event. The nurse checked for your weight and height. You have grown from 2.7kg to a healthy 4kg and you have grown taller too from 49cm to 52cm. Syukur Alhamdulillah. Nurse chatted with mummy a little regarding the immunisation package/price and how she thought Daddy will be with us for next month's checkup. Honestly, I really wanna Daddy to be with us too but sadly weekdays is a difficult time for him.

Then the moment came, it was already time for you to take the Hep-B jab. The long needle scared Aunty Sila out as she was the one carrying you. I was standing by your side and I watched the needle pierced into your skin. You cried out loud but only for a moment.

I'm so proud of you baby. You're so strong. You're more pampered now especially after the injection. You wanna to be cradle almost everytime. I love you so much boy. So much. Muacks!!


Aug 15, 2010


As soon as he stepped out of the house for HTA at 2110hrs just now, I became all weak inside. He kissed us goodbye for Sunday and will be back to see us on Friday. Everyday is a counting down of hours, especially the nights that how I wish he is around.

Strangely I have not been in tears ever since the arrival of my lil man. But tonight exceptionally I admit defeat. Not too sure of my true feelings now, all I'm worried about is for tomorrow. Baby Hizqiel will be going for his 1 month medical checkup, that also means his 2nd jab. I am worked out, worrying so hard inside. A mum can worry right? Like will he wail so loudly/have a fever/etc.

This may sound very un-independant of me, but tomorrow will be the 1st time I go for a checkup unaccompanied and with the thoughts of me not able to contain my emotions tomorrow really make me all sick right now.

I really hope things will be all well tomorrow. Insya'Allah. Dear God, please help me to go through this with much patience. Please give me the strength that I need and please protect my son from all sickness. Amin.

Aug 12, 2010

The Real Numbers

Confinement period, to some I've asked mentioned it is 30 days, some said 40 while some like my mom said it's 44. To play it safe, 44 days it will be. Someone has to listen to her own mother, right?

It's nearing to a month since I laid my eyes on this lil boy I called my own. Hizqiel has tremendously grown since day 1 though I find it so difficult to notice that he is much bigger now. But those chubby cheeks, I gotta say is super cute with his round face.

Alternatively, this may be personal but Hizqiel is mainly on formula now. Up to this very day, I am still encouraging him to latch on and suck it up but he ain't doing it, or is it I am doing it all wrong. I suppose blaming it on me is much better than the lil one. He is so innocent, pure and seeing him calms me. I gotta admit that I am indeed in a lil stress/depress whenever things go on my way and hence this is one of the case too. I shall not give up and will still encourage him to try and try and  I have to get the bottle ready, just in case he starts wailing.

Right now, I'm also focusing on getting back my energy and fitness and don't mention the flabby tummy and thighs. These two needs serious major 'makeover'. If only I have thousands of moolah, I shall go for the London weight treatment and shed all those pound and look slim like the ladies as advertised. :D

15 more days to go and 'pantang' will be done. Insya'Allah I can start fasting, loose more weight for raya and seriously 'rimas' already need to go out !!