Dec 31, 2006
Dec 30, 2006
Dec 29, 2006
that woman has always made action works faster than tots/heart/brain! ok i mean u were mad after hearing dear gf story. i was mad too. bt im thinkin for her and her future sister in law. like goddamnit! apasal tak gunakan akal tu. dah buat baru nak fikir.
Dec 28, 2006
Why do these kinda ppl easily piss me off! Like wtf. Enuff is enuff with the bitching BITCH. Fark u, ur farking mouth, your heart and where the hell ur brain go to?! Eventhough u are not doing this to me, but u are doing it to one of my closest gf. I tot the fight was over.. the stupid issue was done and over it. But hell no!! u and ur mutherfarking mouth has the tendency of KISS and TELL.
When I was told dat there are some ethnic grp-ism in that dept coming out from someone barely a month old here. I was surprised. Im not trying to diss any ethnic here then again, y the fark that son of a bitch gotta say that? If you dislike or had bad experience with that ethnic grp/race den just fark it. U need not say things bout it. Dont u think of the consequences? Partly I was mad coz after all saya ini melayu tapi bapak gue org..(go figure) and my future family in law is your ethnic grp/race and we get along just fine. Im keeping an eye on her. PERIOD.
But this morning dear gf poured out almost everything during breakfast about that one Bitch. Things are now over for u and her.. y are u kissing and telling others. Mcm chibye kn! And those ppl barely know u and u have known her for almost 3 yrs or more. But y are u telling them your story and wat?! Mintak balas kasihan?! Kiss my ass bitch. Story from Tuas bole sampai East Side?! Then eventually the story bout her which you tell to others and that one racist bitch happened to spread the whole issue to some girls and that some girls told one innocent girl who happen to be my dear gf future sister-in-law. You know they are all related as friends and now story has reach to the main person. Kau bodoh ke apa ar..? its call Chain Reaction. Kurang ajar betul.
Now wad the fark are u expecting? Dear gf is just sitting next to you in the office. Seriously mana otak kau pegi la pompan. Takda care betul. And to the other bitch, apasal tak kena gaya when u and her in the toilet? Are you scared or wat?! If you have done wrong, fark it be bold ok. Kalau takut jgn buat!
Im waiting for the right time. If they try to be funny with me and start staring, I don give a fark but to confront them. Furthermore I don smile at them anymore. Why be nice when you bitches are solely true mutherfarking bitches. im just waiting for the right time to end my 2006.
For now, im done BITCHING bout the BITCHES.
Fark it.
Dec 27, 2006
Dec 26, 2006
It was my first ever Christmas Dinner. It was my first time following Hubby to his camp mate plc at Yew Tee. Though it was my first time there, I felt comfortable. Thanks Jon for the dinner, free flow of Coke and chocolates. =p

I left early on Saturday as I needed to rejuvenate myself for Sunday. Came all dress up in my gold coloured outfit and help my aunt on some last minute preparation. Went to collect the cake, set up the dining table for the couple and etc.
Maria and I suddenly felt kinda touch and emotional. Somehow we had our share of gembeng moment. First was Maria when she saw Farah salam her husband. Then it was my turn when I saw Farah hugged my aunts as she was about to leave to her husband place. Thanks hubby for wiping off my tears. Muacks!
Thanks to friends who came on that day to celebrate her auspicious day. She just turned 21 and now she is happily married. I would like to wish her all the best.
Kak ikin will always be here if u need someone to talk to. Please be a gd wife and daughter-in-law. I will pray for ur happiness. love ya.

(to be continued..)
Dec 23, 2006
some pics from last nite. ok i broke one glass and so did maria. seriously its so fragile. im having phobia with glass and crystal now. haiz. ok lets go thro the pics.
The room deco - design done by my mak busu
Farah's henna design
Maria's Antics Fragile Crystal - i broke one.
ok. i cant wait for 1130am. to punch out. den gonna have a gd rest. den out to her place again. gotta collect the cake. must be there before 1600. toodles. more pics and update after tmr.
Have a nice holiday bloggers.
Dec 21, 2006
But before that, I bought myself a Levis Square Cut jeans. After a mad rush trying and deciding which to buy which ended up with that. Cusin Maria changed her mind and decided to tag along. (*link to da previous entry) Love u cookie.
I met Yantee and Yus there too. Gave her a hug as it was her bday yesterday. so glad to see her there. Me and Maria left Zulie and Kak Ani and I waved Yantee and Yus goodbye. We rushed to Far East from Heeren as we have the manicure appointment to go. Yes as usual. We’re late. But thankfully Cusin Ati and Farah were already there. So I advised Farah to go ahead first since she will be doing a full mani and pedi.
We got there at 7plus and get our nails done. And im loving it. So loving it. I didnt noe that I have nice nails til the manicurist (is there such word?) told me so. Well. I was a virgin in manicure and pedicure. So I was like Aww by everything. Bimbo la kn. Haha.
Now Farah has beautiful shining and healthy nails. Cant wait for tmr. The berinai session. Im so gonna capture the moments. Cusin Maria chosed a sweet colour for herself. Then she cant decide to do pedicure too or not. Ended up she did mani and will be doing pedicure today. I paid for all. Yes. Pamper myself and my cusins. I felt happier by giving joy to others. Especially to my love ones. : ) We had dinner and left for home.
But my night didnt stop there. I gave him a surprise visit at 2350. We talked things out and Im so glad that I rushed down just to see him. Its all good now. I love him and I don mind rushing down to see him even though I gotta wake up early. Anything for him coz I love him. I really do.
Dear, Thanks for giving me another chance. Let us hold hands and work this out together. I love you so much. I will see you this Saturday hun. Miss u dear. Muacks!
PS: Sis Sila, thanks for your concern and encouraging words. Glad you like the cookies I bought u last 2 nites and go buy yourself something with the money I gave you ok. Its just a lil token from me.
Dec 20, 2006
Second note, Im all set up for a mini retail therapy afta work with dear colleagues then gonna get my nails in proper condition with the cusins. However, im alil upset that somethings are usually planned. Planned well for a week and with few hours left til the time to meet, someone gotta back out. But I cant blame her. I gotta accept her reasons for not joining. I love u still cookie. I’ll see u this weekend.
Thirdly, im upset with myself. For all those times I might have neglected you. I miss those times too dear. I admitted things were far too different if we would like to compare us now and then. Then we were younger and we do not have much things to worry about but now as we turned older and wiser and adding up to the spice, we got too caught up with work and we are racing with time. We do not spend quality time with each other and worst I often gotta make your blood rise with my childish and unpredictable mood swings.
They are now my greatest enemies due to all destructions that had caused massive chaos to us. They which happen to be in me and therefore I believe my greatest enemy is MYSELF. I hope you will gimme one more chance to make things betta for us. For our next upcoming year. For the best of all 8th year and in our 10th year together, I pray that we will be sitting on the dais looking all stunning for our guests, friends and family. Insya’allah.
Will you gimme another chance dear?
This entry was typed out last nite. 19th December 06
i read ur blog. and i just return home from ur crib. i decided to give u a surprise visit afta im done getting my baju for this sunday. and i did. i went on with my plan. despite the non stop rain, i took the train from Paya Lebar to CCK just to meet u for awhile.
I bought u ur fav cookies. i donno if u lyke it. u don seem happy at fers as u were having ur dinner. i still insisted dat u eat ur cookie before bedtime. i looked into your eyes and i see pain. the reason u've been quiet since last nite. i culd see that u're in pain and there is somethin bothering u. i talked to u. looking at ur face even when u did not look back at me. our eyes did nt meet. bt again. i hugged and kissed u and im reali sorry for everything. i don blame u. i blame me. myself. i realised. ive been overpowered with work and plans. with frens and cusins. lacking the time spend with u.
im sorry hubby. i reali do. im glad to have met u tonite. eventhough, der wasnt much conversation being uttered. still. im contented. to have u. as my fiance. im glad u walked me to hail da cab. and im glad u kissed me back. and im glad u appreciated my short presence and da cookie i bought u.
im sorry i didnt reply to ur msg as i was out helping my sis in law to wrap a gift. i called u back bt to no avail. u then called back but u told me u were ready to sleep. i culd still hear pain in ur voice again. I then wished u gd nite and we hung up.
i wont get to meet u til sat. honestly. im gonna miss u dear. i just wanna u to noe dat im sorry and i love u. loads. muacks.
Dec 19, 2006
Dec 18, 2006

Apart from the indulgence of caffeine, I gotta admit I have some new addictions too.
The fact that he often got tired of me viewing friendster and blogging non stop. Its my addiction huney. Please don blame me for it. Say some guys have some addiction to porn, just please let me deal with mine for now. Much Love.
Reading the latest ranting by some fellow bloggers do give u some inspiration to write more or have a tot or two to ponder. Well honestly. Some portion of this entry was inspired by Anna. : ) Yea. Gotta admit gurl, I read your blog most of the time. Hey you can see the IP address ryte. U shuld noe beta then.. =p
Besides that I just viewed a profile and pictures of this girl in MySpace. To some if all up, she’s hot to me. Well. At least Matilda believes that too. Hot bod with that pan asian look however stating the fact she is a mixed blood da last time I heard which was 5 yrs ago. Ok all I can say. Hubby and I have the same fetish for Chinese-Malay looking guy/girl respectively. Hawt? Not? Well depends actually ryte. If I like, I will definitely take a second look. But I prefer u betta Ruxta.
Weekend was ok. Planned with cusins the colour for this Sunday. I do not have the colour though. But I mite get a reasonable suit for this Sunday. I usually shop for certain occasion or event. To some who noes me well, I do that often. Buy just for the event. Desperately last minute. Vain? No. Just wanna look stunning for the event.
PS: Cusin Maria, do you have a golden-brown baju? If u have, please wear it alryte. If not, den its ok cookie.
Lunch time now and I don feel like eating. Weather still chilly therefore I think im gonna take my lunch nap now. Toodles ppl. Happy lunching.
More updates coming this week with pictures. Coz this week is pamper myself week!
Dec 16, 2006
finally weekend is ere. woohoo. apparently ill be werking my ass off today. instead of working half day. i will be doing full day up to 1630. just to clear some pending documents, issue logs and also system development. surprisingly i was able to get up on time today stating the fact thattoday is my first Saturday werking this month. I was on leave on the 2nd and 9th. Werking today and 23rd. But off again on the 30th.I cant afford to take a long break. Not that i do not have leave days animore. I still have plently i think. However, usually when im on 2-3 days leave,databases will suddenly have problems which end up with me on the phn trying to explain to my colleaque how to solve it.
Most of the operational databases here are created by me or some maintained by me. Since im the 'master' of the databases, it usually happen that ONLY me can resolve the issue.So I cant get that to happen, so Im willing to burn the holiday mood ere at werk and take half day leaves on saturdays instead.
I had a simple friday last evening. Punch out from werk at 1730 and headed down to Jurong Point. Waited for Yantee and Yus to fetch me.Then we headed down to town. It was my first time sitting in Yantee's Maroon Mazda 3. Woohoo. Swit! But the driver was Yus ofcoz. Sitting at the back of the driver,somehow gave me the thril coz dat young man drove swiftly, sometimes kinda scary too. Each time he made a 'dangerous' attempt to selit, Yantee will be closing her eyes.After all its her car ryte, who wouldnt be frighten?! But its all gd. we reached safe and sound in town. However there was a massive jam along the way which I do not wanna elaborate.Bah.. i wuld prefer to say i was like a total nuisance making loads of noise coz i was getting restless and even said "are we there yet?!" with my most irritating voice ever. Haha. den i get this "Eh kau bole diam tak?! irritatin tau.." yup2. apparently i pissed yantee off. hehe. : )
we headed down to town to get Yantee's top for next wednesday. Its for her company's Christmas Celebration and it will be her 22nd birthday. She's the baby in the grp. :) and in a few weeks time I will be 24. Gosh. Dat explains the fact that dey call me Kakak. Sigh. I paid for her top as a birthday present. She also wants a new pair of jeans which we decided to leave it to Em to get her dat instead. Haha. We had dinner and left home.Somehow it was the simpliest evening i ever had for these few months. Reached home before 2230 and had an early nite. But before I ended my nite, I called up my mak.
As some already noe. I don stay with my parents. Im staying with my 2nd bro while dear parents with my 1st brother at Pasir Ris. I called mak to ask her if I can wear casual for today's event. Today I need to go to my uncles plc after werk. thankfully she said yes. well that's wat i have been doing since young. wen i was a lil girl, cusins will be wearing baju kurung for kenduri bt i will be in jeans and tshirt. bt as i grew up, i start to dress appropriately for certain occasion.and since today is a simple makan-makan at my uncle's voideck, why not casual ryte. Then mak reminded me to bring along the baju batik i bought for my dad when i was in batam last month. She told him that i bought for him and i forgot to bring it along each time i went to visit them.When mak was at woodlands last week, again i forget to pass it to her. bapak asked her again. looks like he was alil excited what colour or how the batik shirt looks like. bapak! don wori. i bought u a size M and trust me i know your taste in colours. : )
den mak asked me one simple question and somehow it touched my heart afta the conversation. ok here this.
hehhe. sweet kn my mom. ok the whole conversation was brought up because. There's this small part of the pipe bocoh and so if i on the water heater, water will start flowing out from there. so wat else but to bath with cold freezing water at 520am.but after 4 days, i got use to it already. : ) she often get worried for nothing. afterall im her lil baby gerl. STILL.
last but not least. me and zulie booked a slot for 21/12/06 for massage at Summer Spa. Woohoo. That long overdued intention for a massage finally came true. We were so happy yesday. : )SUKA BANGAT GUE!!!
Dec 15, 2006
Dec 14, 2006
Dec 13, 2006
The bayar balik party at zoukout eventually leave me with a straining body aching especially on my right shoulder. Goodness. Anihoos Hubby did the necessary last nite bt I think I do need the full professional therapy. BADLY!
I would like to make a statement here.
Im not so in the mood to work.
Yes. Working mood is slowly deteriorating from my brain cells and body nerves. Honestly. What month is this again?! O yes. Its the lazy December. Since December, im kinda packed with events and more meet ups causing me to be so lethargic at work. More punching in the 40cents and get myself the paper cup coffee. Yup. Desperately. Need Starbucks Coffee and those pwetty tumblers needed. Damn. So gonna get those. Just to start my coming 2007 and to elaborate further adding the digit 1 to the current Jordan number. Not getting any younger aye.
What have I done to pamper myself this year? Nutin! Just more complains of body aching, pedicure and manicure that is so long OVERDUE. Plus making nonsensical comments and ended up always making HIM angry. Hubby! I love you so much ok. Bt you know so well that Im the ANGIN and you are the WATER and FIRE. Heart u loads. Maafkan saya ok. Muacks! I wanna be your wifey ok.. (making those silly face plus the bibir mancung and hidung kembang.. Haha!)
I hav a work event this evening. Its just a small event cum dinner for the union members here. Looking at the list those who bought the tics. Well. List checked and I realized I should just do my coordinating, helping around, listen to the music and chill. ok plus making my tummy MORE boncit. Yup! That would make me happier at least. : )
Weekend is within days. Ive been counting the hours, minutes, seconds and days for another weekend. REASON?! I have things to do and places to go. Suka!! This Saturday, will be attending my adik sedara circumcision ceremony. Its just a small ceremony for relatives to gather together. I hope the cusins attending this. Need to plan for next week. YES YES. This week belum abis, aku dah fikirkan about next week. Nak tau y??!
Coz it will be my cusins wedding!!!!!! Arrgghh. So cant wait. Ive waiting for 6 months for this ok and yet the kain songket she gave me on my engagement is still in the wardrobe. I was supposed to make it to nice baju for her wedding. Well I just hope the money comes in on time for me to get myself a nice baju for her persandingan. I need to plan this. I want my girl cusins to wear a lighter colour coz she will be wearing brown for her persandingan. But before that, 20th December is our Manicure/Pedicure session. All I can say. im so excited that Ill be over at her place after work starting next Thursday. Gonna help out my mak busu with the deco for the room, the gubahan and for the pelamin too. It will be my aunts latest design. Therefore, I so cant wait. Hope its all gonna be nice. I just want her wedding to be beautiful. Though we are cusins. I treat her like my own sister. But since she got a bf den he became her fiance and now her husband to be. Ive not been spending quality time with her nor share stories/problems. This time round, I would like to help her to have her last preparation before berinai and so on.
Nak jadi orang kuat la nie.
Its gonna be tyme for me to knock out from work. So people.. enjoy your Wednesday. As I have to attend the Union Event, Ill be home only after 10/11. Honestly Im feeling kinda malas to go u know but I dont have any choice but to go..
Alryte! Toodles people..
Dec 11, 2006
it's been awhile since i hit the dance floor. and last sat 'bayar balik' nite. der was alot of jumping, shouting, and most of all dancing all night long.... Woohoo!
Some went in a large grp. some wearing the same colour theme. Some are hot and some are not. while me and hubby.. decided to go Jordan sytle.. bt hell yea. we all something in common.we had a blast!! saw maria, sally and khai. den saw hafiz and frens. bt there were no sight of ely or rin or some others.......
The Cuban Brothers were awesome! and DJ Jazzy Jeff... he rock the place upside down on the 1, 2, 1, 2 spinning, remxing, juggling the ol skul hiphop. Hell Yea!! Loving it.Got the brothers singing and breadancing + Jazzy doin his thang on video.. Suka bangat gue...!!
O yup. thanks hubby for jumping up so high when they threw the tshirt. You got it and its MINE. coz its a size M.. plus its a gerl's tshirt. Thanks Cuban Brothers... !!

To view more. Click ZoukOut 06 under Pictorial.
Btw... Happy 87 months anniversary to us. Love u hubby. Muacks!

Dec 8, 2006
and recently i finally decided to upgrade my phone line. yes. all this while ive been using POD Lite. lama bangat tu. hehe.and last week. i upgrade my plan and bought a new phone. feeling pink aye..? and so my new hp is in pink in colour. Sony Ericsson Z610i. Yeahness!!
Dec 7, 2006
Dec 6, 2006
i jus hope...

Dec 5, 2006
Main agenda was to celebrate cusin Farahiyah's 21st Bday yesterday. 4th Dec.
Im so happy to see her happy. Bought her a EBASE bracelet watch. Its very nice ok. I wanna buy it for myself. bt I decided to get her instead. Treat her for the Swensen dinner and after which we went to take some old skul way of taking picture. NEOPRINT!! The reason behind this suggestion was because I missed those funny moment
after each neoprint taking session.. last nite was no exception. we laughed throughout. before dinner. after meal. while waiting for the dessert. while eating dessert. in short. from start to end of the nite.
That's the only time I can be myself because they have seen me grow up, taller, hair colour keep changing, and etc but one thing bout me they can always spot and laugh.. which is my silliness.
YES! my silliness rate has been increasing as year passed. but so much that it does give me the stupid bimbo image however i love the attention im getting from my cusins. With them around. I can be normal and proper for 1sec
next second back to goofiness.
Next outing. Manicure and Pedicure. 20th Dec. Well. reason Farah wanna some company. She wanna has that nice nails for the 22nd for Berinai at her place. She's getting married on that weekend. Pernikahan 23rd dec - 6pm and Persandingan 24th dec. We are all excited for her and that's the reason i wanna celebrate her 21st bday. Welcome to adulthood and soon married life....
PS: Maria dear... do u wanna join us??
things happening on the 20/12/06.
1. GFF - Yantee's 22nd bday. Have yet to sit in her car. I shall plan for few days before her bday.. : )
2. Zulie - my BEST colleaque already asked me out to town to shop her Levis jeans after work
3. Then at 7pm, I'm gonna meet cusins for Manicure and Pedicure session.
Dec 1, 2006
im smiling here no doubt. its all quiet here. if only WE are all here. damns. NP has definately change alot! There's street soccer court where Rugby boys used to train. There's this ARENA where there are so many seats. its like the IN place just like Atrium last 3-4yrs ago. There's CHEERS. god damn it. its like all fun here. bt still nutin can beat the Atrium ppl. im emphasising on many grps who used to slack there. all were a great bunch! no doubt!
and as im sitting here ranting. in few hours time. meeting up the grp and sending dear tina off. shit. cant believe that it all turned out so sudden and so FAST. gonna miss tina. aite. i got to go now. gonna collect the pics. den head down with the 3 DJs to slack before their showcase for the REDS Jam and Hop Nite here in NP. Somehow they mentioned im their manager. haha. well. im just happy to have that name. but honestly. im more like the camerawoman. : )
Toodles all. more updates.
Nov 30, 2006
i planned to have some quality time with her before the rest joined in. knocked out from werk at 430 exactly was worth it. met her. had dinner and talks. its been awhile having the girl to girl talk. soon. Yan and Usop joined in. followed by Sher, Apid and Amy. the 5 gerls took neoprint just like wen we were back in poly days. 2-3 yrs ago.
everyone were there at liat towers. though some were late yet appreciated. coz it was meant to be a gathering for tina. tmr. either 11pm at tina's plc den 12midnite at T1 to bid tina gdbye. 5 will become 4. I feel like crying now. Nevertheless. I'm glad dat i had some special moment with her.
To Qistina...

I would like to wish u all the best for ur future. If it was ur dream to be independant and live ur life to the fullest. to fly and go to places. to explore new things, new environment and new friends.. well. ur dream has come true. I will definately miss u. everything bout u. though our friendship started only 2-3 yrs ago. Yet knowing the fact that u're leaving saddens me.. Do take care of urself. Anitin. please do email me. wuld reali love to hear from u when u're there. Love u loads..
Will be missing u,
Nov 28, 2006
had a blast wit Maria yestday evening. been awhile. we gotta hang out soon. and yes. hope to see u at zoukout. finally get to meet up the belo Farina in LT. rindu amat sama dat cewek giler. farina has neva change abit. i swear. and her hair. wah.. mau challenge gue eh? makin blonde nmpak. well. thanks for the discounted hot cocoa Rin. see u at zoukout too..
back to me and maria. well. we talked alot. from girls to boys. yes. maria is HOTTER now. and damn fark u boys who ignored her last time and now she's hot u wanna ask her out. wrong bad move. coz i obviously told my lil cookie. they are just up for alil something juicier. when at da fers place. y be ignorant?! Yasin has always accepted the way u are so. be happy wit Yas. u both deserve each other. for the other boys. last warning. from the breakdancer to indie pop and band member. u can all kiss her boobs goodbye!!
this week. left with few days. Nur Qistina will be leaving us for Doha. Joining the Qatar Airlines. Bah! I was planning wit Yan for a surprise meetup with Tina and the gang. bt sadly the rest did not reply me. bt some cant make it and some CAN. well. eventually. i wanna sms Yan when i accidentally sms TINA!!!! OMG! Ok. aku kental..!! Tina laughed and me and said im kental ofcoz. Yan again said. 'kau memang kental..' for the fers time. i actually spoiled da whole surprise thingy which was usually Amy's job to do so back in poly.. haha. and so Tina was being sportaneous and mentioned she will act surprise. hehehe. well. hope to see her and the some of us this wed. this will still go on with or without the rest. i badly need to meet her else i'll be crying at da airport this friday. i need some quality time with her. after all. some says. me and her look-alike. which we don think so. =p

Nov 27, 2006
overall. the trip was ok-la-kn. bt best of all. that sure made my last day was that. i bought 2 batik shirts. one of my dad and another for my future father in law. : )
have yet to give bapak. despite him not liking BATAM, he gave me the blessings to attend the seminar there. and so i bought for him something. as for future dad in law, he has always wanted one since raya time for his perjumpaan hari raya. and since i saw one. i decided to get it. im so glad he loves it. am i trying to win his heart..? nah. im just a nice young lady.. : ) *am im rite dear..? hehe. im sori i didnt get u anything. hope the kacang-s are ok for u..* Muacks.
was dead beat. dat i slept in da ferry til i reach SG. slept til 11plus at home since i reach at 7plus. and i was all over the moon when i saw hubby rite infront of my doorstep. we had supper and more of my non stop rantings. chit chatting non stop. well. i bet hubby misses that since i was away for a day.. : )
Sunday. 26 nov 06. Bolja Laron had a showcase at Yew Tee. This is for a lil boy who baru sunat. and his parents decided to make it all grand. with foods ala buffet, did it under the void deck and ofcoz kuda kepang by Bolja Laron. Its been awhile since i attend one so i did yesterday and took some pics. A newpaper and straits time reporter were der. at least it can help to promo Bolja Laron.
Hopefully 2007 will be a better year with more showcases. And just an hr ago, hubby's sis in law, Kak Julie smsed me and told me to grab a copy of newpaper coz happen to have a side view of my dear hubby.. hehhe. so i cant wait to get a copy... You may wanna click on the Bolja Laron - 26th Nov under the awesomeness header on the right.
below are pics of Mr DJ not wit his turntables.
that's him under the Barongan.. and thanks hubby for making that scary sound while standing infrnt of me. thank god i kept cool. *winks* bt remember when we get married. i don want the big barongan ok. seram..!! i nak 2 burung instead... lurve u..
Nov 23, 2006
28/11/06 - 7pm - Velvet underground. Launching of Jay-Z's Album
1/12/06 - 830pm - Ngee Ann Poly - DJ Ruxta and DJ SY having a showcase
2/12/06 - before 2am. Need to be at the airport. Sending Tina off. *SobSob*
so more events after next week. soon. it will be end of 2006. den come 4th January where i'll be a yr older. Wah! So fast lei..
ok im out. Hubby's sleeping wen he is suppose to layan me. kata rindu. bt sleep. tmr im leaving u lei hubby... wake up! ok. imma gonna wake him up now.. Take care bloggers...
Nov 21, 2006
their head up;nose so high. been lyke this for few months. the fact dat i may nt be the friendliest person here. yet. i do acknowlegde some ppl here.
maybe there was a misunderstanding between them and my close gf here. which ended up dragging me into it too. maybe the stories they heard made them behave that way.
however. like i mentioned. i may nt be the friendliest person here. bt when u gave me that glare and farked up attitude as i stood infrnt of u.
u began to brag bout the dragonboat team u are in. well. gd for u to be in the DB Team. im nt least jealous bout it at all. i have far more projects to do here.
don walked and looked at me and her like as though we did u wrong.
and after all that. now. suddenly. ur sis emailed my gf. den u emailing me and her. wanna be frens with us now?. after all that farked up attitude. seriously. its very arkward.
we don even give a damn. bt wad happen yestday strike me. y the both of u suddenly walked passed us and looked down. come on. i donno u. so why bother. and today the emails..
wow wow wow.. for now me and gf. are just gonna acknowlegde. im not accusing. bt somehow we smell something really fishy.
the fact that they used to be close to one of the gf here. bt due to some reasons. closest gf and this girl no longer in gd terms. and now these 2 gerls wanna get close with us.
FISHY... well hope don mind my bitchy attitude today. well. despite the things u did. i don care. i still replied to ur email.. am i nice or wat..?! hahaha.. =p
Nov 20, 2006
trust me. i gotta brush up my malay AGAIN. use to be gd at it. and now. simply FLOP.
apart frm my bad hosting. i actuali received a remark from a colleague telling me i can quit my present job and try auditioning for Suria. haha. CRAP at 7am. my head is spinning. im walking lyke a zombie. im sleepy. tired. most prob. dehydrated. a few days of this made me wanna salute the colleagues/acquaintances here, who juggling with 2 jobs and parttime skuling. so its like. 730am-430/530pm, skul from 7pm to 10pm den work at nite from 11pm to 4am. reach home. rest for awhile. and get ready to go to work. especialli for those taking company transport. have to take the bus at 6am. reach work at 640am. den yup. its goes like dat EVERYDAY. seriously. they are SUPERMEN. ask one of them how he cope with tis. and he simply said. "its all gd when u think of money. coz i need it badly." and my reply was. "aku dah biol nie. kepala dah berat nie.."
event done. next. batam. seminar for 2 days. this coming fri and sat. 2 days out from da office just means i will have EMAILS flooding my inbox when i return on monday. therefore. i've decided to come to work on Sunday to clear my pending stuffs. and so ppl said im workhaholic? to me im nt. just someone who urgently needs to get things done. : )
gotta go. time to continue my work. once again. im forcing the head to stay up and nt down = sleeping mode and eyes to open wide else again = sleeping mode..
Nov 18, 2006
Nov 17, 2006
enuff said.
Nov 16, 2006
mentally and physically.
honestly. my mind all messed up ryte now. now that im doing this updating. reason. i cant farking think in order to proceed in more coding or whatsoever. i cant think properly. even a simple statement. Another phone call. my voice getting sore. it has gone bad to worse. soon WORST. I need a break. please i need one.
im nt into more argument now. im just taking things slowly. ill give in. just not to make myself more stress. aniting ppl say. i will say.. "ok. i will look into it. i'll revert back to u soon.." in a sore weak voice...
head becoming heavier now. arrggh. help!
Nov 15, 2006
wad wuld happen today if u had taken it away from me?
wad hav i done da other day and til today haunting me really hard..
all those questioning since that day giving me the chills...
is everything gonna be ok dear..? i asked him..
emotions in me culdnt be expressed out last nyte...
felt lyke crying out loud.. bt i cant..
cant put myself to sleep til i said some prayers quietly..
problems that was being brought up..
who else to blame if not ME..
u culd relate to the song...which i tot so too..for ur endurance for this relationship nt to fail
u hav done nuting to hurt me.. bt ive done it all wrong to hurt you again and again..
u have done so much for me.. and all i see was ur mistakes and ill doings..
u deserve someone beta den me.. bt u choose to stay...
Te Amo..
Nov 14, 2006
Yes. This man. who once forgotten to fetch me from kindergarden. due to his reached home and found him still soundly asleep. wat a pig. from the 'alarm' mak gave him. he woke up and went to look for me. and yes. an idiot i was. i followed my fren home. i know my way hm bt her dad so fierce. so yup. slenge as eva. ikut. bodohs betuls.
but thankfully. dear brother managed to find me. haha. reached hm. mak still crying. hehe. hey. im her precious ok. the only daughter. til today. abg still remember his 'mistake'. the only reason he made mak cried. coz before me. mak dotes on him. bt when i came along. she gotta dotes on us both.
as i grew older. i learnt few things from him. at pri 1. i was listening to rock loud music. thanks to abg. wer i began to take his quiksilver bag and use to skul. his walkman. his big watch. his silver rings. his bands. wateva that can fit. i will take. and eventuali forget to put it back. nxt thing. 'kena marah la..' =p
when i was 14. i began to be rude to him. we often fought for the phn. reason. that was wen i had my 1st puppy love. Haha. at the age of 15, i was so rude to him. since he was not home often. was engaged. often stayed over. when he came home. he made alot of comments on me. for once house was peaceful. with just me and my parents. bt that nyte. he had to ruin everything. dad was out for kenduri. lucky for that. but then it gave him the chance to shout at me. coz i shouted at him fers. mak as usual. wont say a thing to us. and my last remark. nearly broke my head. YES. coz he threw a vase. nearly hitting me. bt i manage to close the door so fast. lucky for that. else. kepala aku bocoh la.. i locked my door. cried under the bed. and slept there. dad came home and mak told him we fought. next few days. we didnt talk to each other.
til one wkend. family gathering. i was resting my head on mak's thighs. he came home from work. and on purpose rested his head on the other side of mak's thighs. we stared. bt no choice. dad and 2 elder brothers were there. den i said.. "mak sayang abg. tak sayang ikin..." he kept quiet. til mak said.. " mak sayang semua.. " i forgot wat happen next. bt i knew we both were back as per normal. laughing together.
dec 1998. abg finally got married. that very day. when he salam everyone. coz he wont be staying with us animore. i cried. salam his hand. and continue crying. telling him that my life will be boring without him. he then told me he will visit on wkends. and so each wkend i will wait for him and wife to come home.
now.2006. abg happily married with 3 kids. and he is still the same man i know who loves to joke around. and now. he is still teasing me. only now. he will make his wife join in too. mak still the same. will allow him to make fun of me. yes. abg made fun of me. even wen my frens come over. and infront of my fiance. bt all i can say. i love him. though 10 yrs is far. yet. he's young at heart and it makes me happy. : )
Nov 8, 2006
Nov 7, 2006
Nov 4, 2006
Nov 3, 2006
Nov 2, 2006

On 29th October was Hubby's 24th Birthday.. I was kinda upset with myself for putting up too much anger and stress to him. I admit I do think of myself sumtimes.Raising my voice for no reason. Til he decided to spend his bday alone at hm while i was out wit my family jalan-in raya..
but end of the day. after the 10th house, I decided to give him a visit. afterall. im his baby. 10th house happened to b my 3rd bro's place. who stays near his place.though the time was short. I spent the most of it. looking into his eyes and i sure noe that i have a belated dinner to give.
Monday. we met after work. Went to Swensen in CausewayPoint for his belated Bday dinner. but poor dear having a tummy ache since he took his lunch at werk.went to GNC and bought some stuffs and headed home..
Tuesday. hubby was on MC til wednesday due to Gastric Flu. must have been some food he had during lunch. I accompanied him through the nyte.I was suppose to put him to sleep. bt ended up i dozed off not him.. I headed home at 1030pm but seeing him made me sad. kissed him gd nyte and went off.
Now im glad he's feelin much better now. and happy that he'll be jamming again this Friday with DJ SY for their routine on 1st Dec. Ngee Ann Poly.
i love u hubby. im sori for everything. afterall. u are the only one who can put up with my moodswings. and nonsence plus the silliness and stupidity.Muacks!!!
Happy birthday again..!!
Oct 27, 2006
Oct 26, 2006
anna my inspiration tonite
our conversation goes well. though ive neva met anna before. i would reali love to though. aniway. in a short while. she managed to remind me, my old silly lovelife back when i was bare 16yrs of age. and hey. how hairi told her how we became frens.
Luxurious Senorita says:did hairi told u before how me and him know each other ?
anna says:i know ur one of his ex's friend
anna says:two friends
anna says:right?
anna says:hehehehe
Luxurious Senorita says:HAHAHHAHAHAHHA
Luxurious Senorita says:mampos.
ok seriously. thanks eh hairi. u kinda blew it la. i mean its so embrassing tau tak. telling anna my old story. aniway i had my fair share of monkey love. all i can say. it was 'fun'. and since then. me and hairi still frens til now. kewl huh. despite us not staying in da same area, not in da same secondary skul and ofcoz me being his 2 frens ex-gf. haha.
back to anna. well. reading her entries. EVERYDAY. gotta admit im a FAN. aniway. here is my blog and im gonna have my say rite here rite now. well just normal random ranting dat is in my head rite now. no offence ya.
here it goes:-
well enuff is enuff. stop doing this silly things. its making a fool of urself. seriously. y bother bout him when u stop bothering few yrs back. i still remember talking to dear guyfren. he's lost and was still waiting for u. and now dat he's finally back on track, loving her, u wanna get into the love story and make a mess of everything they have now. i've neva seen him so in love til now. and honestly. please stop it. or maybe u're just bored. well. SUKA HATI KAU LA. ive seen u before last time. but we neva spoke. we kinda just noe names dats all. and just perhaps smiles from a far. seen ur pics before. bt come on gerl. please give them a break or 2.
to anna and hairi. please stay strong. be stronger each day. don let this be a matter of despair and more sad endings. show them that u can. be happy. be happier. each day.
again. how it used to relate to mine.?? well. senang kata. ive been called names. received phncalls. prank calls. ppl wanna beat me up. reason coz they tot i was the one who was looking for her since she was the present gf. but no. she came to me. talked to me. talked bout him and her. and in return. she backstabbed me. and he was my enemy. bt all i can say. its been a yr plus i've last seen him. dat was my monkey lovestory. now he's happy with a new gf of more den 3yrs. and me happily engaged. only that i didnt wanna invite him. reason.? well. there is no reason. we are as perfect as strangers.
to hubby: dear. jgn mara ok. im not trying to be kepo and mess with other ppl lovelife. i hav my own to care bout. its jus random ranting after chatting with anna. muacks!
Oct 23, 2006
Yea! Yea! Besok Hari Raya
just a random rantings for today. after reading Tina's latest entry. 1st paragraph quoted:-
"girls are getting more gorgeous tis days. wen i surf frendster, i surf hot girls profiles, becoming more lesbian, envying their pics, and going wow hotshit. why are we getting more gorgeous?? hah. no idea. "
i gotta to agree with her lyke 101%. well to think of it. me and her kinda da same but not too similar. ryte tina *winks*..aniway back to the topic. yup. gerls are getting HOTTER by the minute. I've always adore looking at some gerls pictures. They are gorgeous. i shall not name names here. but hey. neva i would expect a hot babe would actually wanna get a lil something2 with me. yes. at times i love looking adoring them. simply coz they are hot, sexy beings.but recently, a HOT BABE. and i meant it. dropped me a msg and wanna get kinky. no kidding. overall im just really flattered. bt at da same time, im scared as hell. NEVA could i imagine doing it with my own kind, though i do have some fantasy but still it does not mean i'll do it ryte. She's so nice looking and all. but i gotta drop the offer. I then told her that im not dat kinda gerl. i got to be honest and not try to be someone im not ryte. and i told her a guyfren of mine wuld reali like to noe her. and yet. til now. she still have not replied my msg.all i can say. TOO BAD for my guyfren. coz she has the HOTS for me. not U.. Whahahahaha..
2nd ranting: i gotta be honest to all. dat i don usuali do the house chores. help my mom and all. bt as i grew up. i began to realise how bad i was leaving it all to mak. i began to start doing the cleaning up, help her out with the cutting, peeling and etc.. and i neva eva had my hands dirty before. u can start to say.. 'anak dara apa nie?'..all my 3 brothers said that to me before. bt since i started being a lil helpful. some ppl. ok lets just put this. my CUSINS would teased me til they can actuali cry afta laughing so hard. just becz they cant believe wat they see. ive always bn pampered by everyting especiali by my mom. and she still does the same now. she would prepare my meal on a plate with my drink. and would call me up nicely to eat.i simply love my mom.
and this year. i wanted so much to bake some cookies. and the fers attempt went well yesterday. thanks to hubby, sis sila and ofcoz my future mother in law.since it went well. i would wanna bake some on monday for my 2nd sis in law and for my mom. i want her to be proud of me. yea. its just cookie. bt i've neva done it before. my entire 23 yrs. how pathetic ppl wuld say bout me for being the most laziest anak perempuan eva. i hope my mom will be proud of me though.. *hopeful*
on weekend i did chocolate chip cookie and cheese cookie with hubby. yeahness. i neva knew it would be this fun. and this year's celebration somehow means alot to me. since i tried to make some coookies and ofcoz. this yr im happily engaged to him. I just wanna look elegant on the 1st day of raya, simply becoz we will be in white.. *ok step cam nikah gitu kn..* Yeahness!!
to all Muslim readers. I wuld like to wish you Selamat menyambut Hari raya Aildilfitri yg akan menjelang tiba. Seandai ye ada silap and salah, terkasar bahasa atau tersikap kurang ajar, maafkan la Nurul Sekeluarga. Halalkn la makan minum ku selama kita berkenalan.
YEAH. besok dah RAYA....
Oct 14, 2006
another random rantings
i don understand y some ppl say im crazy. coz they say im 'slim' or 'kering' already. y need to loose the pounds?. well. maybe im over-reactingtrying whole lot of ways to get rid of the excess fats. however thank god for Ramadhan and some solution. it kinda work. somehow.just got to continue doing this. and after raya. nana suggested to head down back to the gym. well this time i hope im nt gonna be lazy again.
apart from weight issues. ive another issue. its the hair issue. for those who noes the condition of my hair. its dry. brittle and right side is longer than the left one.ok.this part i kinda wanted it so much. so yea. bt now. i wanna highlight my hair. and do normal straightening to my hair and CUT the longer side.confusion. i even dreamt that it will be super ugly after i cut it. i noe some ppl has this hairstyle and each tyme i saw these chinese gerls. i envied them.coz their hair is much nicer den mine. their left/right longer side is LONGER and nicer and FUNK-ier. Arrgghh. i saw a chinese gerl with dat kinda hairstyle in da train and i cant stop looking at her HAIR. geram!!!
anihoos. today marks the 20th day we celebratin ramadhan. and its coming to an end soon. its kinda sad. month of ramadhan is the month where we often get together. catch things up afta so happy. no worries. coz its a wonderful special month. anihoos. still have yet to get ourselves another pair baju raya. aiming for purple. since we got white for our 1st day.. perhaps purple will be forthe cusins to cusins place. all in all. im excited. and sad that 11/11/06 will be da last outing with Tina huney.
ok i think i shall stop here before i start to cry again. toodles.
on another note. Congrats to Nargis. Newpaper Newface 2006. See Marius I told u, ur gf damn HOT la...
Oct 12, 2006
so soon
Oct 9, 2006
Oct 3, 2006
Sep 28, 2006
Sep 27, 2006
7 years ago, I experienced this while I was alone at home. I cried. There was no exception for what happen just now. Despite Im 7 years wiser now; Im still not strong enough to face the reality and anything that will happen unexpectedly. I couldnt think. I could only cry. I will have now until Monday to build up my courage and strength to overcome this whole situation.
But for now, please allow me to cry.
Sep 26, 2006
Sep 24, 2006
Sep 19, 2006
The Keys to Your Heart |
![]() You are attracted to obedience and warmth. In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored. You'd like to your lover to think you are flexible and ready for anything! You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance. Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with. Your risk of cheating is 100%. You are not suited for a monogamous relationship. You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred. In this moment, you think of love as something you can get or discard anytime. You're feeling self centered. |
self declared SILLY