How was Zoukout?! GEREK abis... reached at 2100 and left at 0500...
it's been awhile since i hit the dance floor. and last sat 'bayar balik' nite. der was alot of jumping, shouting, and most of all dancing all night long.... Woohoo!
Some went in a large grp. some wearing the same colour theme. Some are hot and some are not. while me and hubby.. decided to go Jordan sytle.. bt hell yea. we all something in common.we had a blast!! saw maria, sally and khai. den saw hafiz and frens. bt there were no sight of ely or rin or some others.......
The Cuban Brothers were awesome! and DJ Jazzy Jeff... he rock the place upside down on the 1, 2, 1, 2 spinning, remxing, juggling the ol skul hiphop. Hell Yea!! Loving it.Got the brothers singing and breadancing + Jazzy doin his thang on video.. Suka bangat gue...!!
O yup. thanks hubby for jumping up so high when they threw the tshirt. You got it and its MINE. coz its a size M.. plus its a gerl's tshirt. Thanks Cuban Brothers... !!
The Cuban Brothers
He posed for me. Cute! and he's Japanese btw. Argghh!
To view more. Click ZoukOut 06 under Pictorial.
it's been awhile since i hit the dance floor. and last sat 'bayar balik' nite. der was alot of jumping, shouting, and most of all dancing all night long.... Woohoo!
Some went in a large grp. some wearing the same colour theme. Some are hot and some are not. while me and hubby.. decided to go Jordan sytle.. bt hell yea. we all something in common.we had a blast!! saw maria, sally and khai. den saw hafiz and frens. bt there were no sight of ely or rin or some others.......
The Cuban Brothers were awesome! and DJ Jazzy Jeff... he rock the place upside down on the 1, 2, 1, 2 spinning, remxing, juggling the ol skul hiphop. Hell Yea!! Loving it.Got the brothers singing and breadancing + Jazzy doin his thang on video.. Suka bangat gue...!!
O yup. thanks hubby for jumping up so high when they threw the tshirt. You got it and its MINE. coz its a size M.. plus its a gerl's tshirt. Thanks Cuban Brothers... !!

To view more. Click ZoukOut 06 under Pictorial.
Btw... Happy 87 months anniversary to us. Love u hubby. Muacks!

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