On 29th October was Hubby's 24th Birthday.. I was kinda upset with myself for putting up too much anger and stress to him. I admit I do think of myself sumtimes.Raising my voice for no reason. Til he decided to spend his bday alone at hm while i was out wit my family jalan-in raya..
but end of the day. after the 10th house, I decided to give him a visit. afterall. im his baby. 10th house happened to b my 3rd bro's place. who stays near his place.though the time was short. I spent the most of it. looking into his eyes and i sure noe that i have a belated dinner to give.
Monday. we met after work. Went to Swensen in CausewayPoint for his belated Bday dinner. but poor dear having a tummy ache since he took his lunch at werk.went to GNC and bought some stuffs and headed home..
Tuesday. hubby was on MC til wednesday due to Gastric Flu. must have been some food he had during lunch. I accompanied him through the nyte.I was suppose to put him to sleep. bt ended up i dozed off not him.. I headed home at 1030pm but seeing him made me sad. kissed him gd nyte and went off.
Now im glad he's feelin much better now. and happy that he'll be jamming again this Friday with DJ SY for their routine on 1st Dec. Ngee Ann Poly.
i love u hubby. im sori for everything. afterall. u are the only one who can put up with my moodswings. and nonsence plus the silliness and stupidity.Muacks!!!
Happy birthday again..!!
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