Dec 5, 2006

I had a good laugh last evening. Planned to have dinner with the cusins. was hoping for all to turn up bt sadly only the 4 ladies+1guy came. well it was all gd though. its bn so long since we all went out and have dinner together.

Main agenda was to celebrate cusin Farahiyah's 21st Bday yesterday. 4th Dec.
(One more month to go will be MINE.!! Ahaks!)

Im so happy to see her happy. Bought her a EBASE bracelet watch. Its very nice ok. I wanna buy it for myself. bt I decided to get her instead. Treat her for the Swensen dinner and after which we went to take some old skul way of taking picture. NEOPRINT!! The reason behind this suggestion was because I missed those funny moment
after each neoprint taking session.. last nite was no exception. we laughed throughout. before dinner. after meal. while waiting for the dessert. while eating dessert. in short. from start to end of the nite.
That's the only time I can be myself because they have seen me grow up, taller, hair colour keep changing, and etc but one thing bout me they can always spot and laugh.. which is my silliness.
YES! my silliness rate has been increasing as year passed. but so much that it does give me the stupid bimbo image however i love the attention im getting from my cusins. With them around. I can be normal and proper for 1sec
next second back to goofiness.

Next outing. Manicure and Pedicure. 20th Dec. Well. reason Farah wanna some company. She wanna has that nice nails for the 22nd for Berinai at her place. She's getting married on that weekend. Pernikahan 23rd dec - 6pm and Persandingan 24th dec. We are all excited for her and that's the reason i wanna celebrate her 21st bday. Welcome to adulthood and soon married life....

PS: Maria dear... do u wanna join us??

things happening on the 20/12/06.

1. GFF - Yantee's 22nd bday. Have yet to sit in her car. I shall plan for few days before her bday.. : )

2. Zulie - my BEST colleaque already asked me out to town to shop her Levis jeans after work

3. Then at 7pm, I'm gonna meet cusins for Manicure and Pedicure session.


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