We decided to start early on the cookies this year. So there will be not much rushing unlike few years ago. This year has been our 3rd year baking cookies together.. :) only difference now is we're married and staying in cck. Hence there's no need for him to send me home at 10pm anymore. =p.. On another note, thank goodness we already gotten our raya outfits during our wedding last June.
Today we started on Chocolate Chip cookies and we doing mini ones for '09. Like mom in law said.. "
Biar kecik-kecik kan lawa mcm orang ye.." ehem.. *blush*
So we're done with this one, gonna bake M&M's Choco Chip cookies next week, Cheesey Stars/Stick and Kueh Layang-Layang. Most probably malam raya, wanna try bake Brownies for 1st day of raya. :)

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