Sep 28, 2009


This year EID, is special for us. As husband and wife.. but I would like to say this. "Oh enuff of raya already!" I would rather have ramadhan all year round.

Though we are still doing our rounds of visiting relatives, and gosh I still have not met my cousins! I miss them so. Maybe that's why I felt the difference. 1st day raya without them teasing me endlessly made a whole truck loads difference!

I miss Maria, Farah and her daughter Emelda Sofea, Ati, Kak Ana, Fai, Aish.. and their other halfs. Kak Mimi, you're missed too! I wanna hug and kiss Sarah and make Marsha cry!

I just hope this coming weekend I get to meet them. Go visiting around Khatib.
Where also I have plenty of open houses to go. Penat tau! I admit Syawal is bulan yang mulia, but I love Ramadhan more. Period!

Besides all that, I'm gaining weight and I've been slogging my "life" with work. I so need a break soon. As soon as project goes live and handover are done to Operations. I am suppose to take part in 5km run this coming 18th. But with tight schedule and no time to train, 90% i'm giving it a miss. Oh then again, 17th Oct - Reggae Night at Siloso!!! So how to party then to run the next morning, right?

This blog design gotta change. oh even the name, too. so damn merepek when I tot about it. haha.


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