Sep 24, 2008

Wet Wednesday!

Good morning sunshines. despite the fact its a totally wet wednesday.

anihoos. i decided to skip the ritual of sleeping in the morning and bloghopped instead. some interesting things happening especially when raya is coming along. many has done their shopping while some might be doing a very last minute one. like most will say they do not have the "semangat" raya in them this year.

so as to speak, this year im more excited than anyone. just the reason that this will be my last raya being single. then next, i just tot of doing good deeds to my family and also some friends who did not have much to spend for raya due to problems. (not boasting here alrite)

Glad I did just that and i managed to actually get few people to order some cookies from me. FYI, im not a good baker plus the fact i can't cook at all. hopefully soon, once i picked up great cooking skills from my mom, insya'allah i will be 'isteri misali'. amin.

Nonetheless, few issues has got me all worked out causing nothing but spinning headaches.
With marriage preparation on going (9 more months to go til big day), planning for a new house and etc. Getting everyone to agreed is really stressing me out. All I wanna is for everyone to be happy. Don mind me, I've always put others 1st before me. (closeones should noe me best on this). I do not wanna any disagreement or even misunderstanding. I really hope this can work out well soon after raya or atleast when all settle by end of this year.
Well with that got me all worked out whole of yesterday, adding on to my evening was nothing but more stress or should I say anger.

I was filled with nothing but shame and anger but all I could do is watch the 'drama'. Tho I'm part of the family, I can't possibly tell him off. It will be a total disrespect on my part. But still I feel so ashamed and angry coz he let them down; all of us down. Due to this loads of stress and worries, I let it out to RuxtA which was really wrong on my part once again. I'm really sorry dear for calling you and being rude when at the first place I was not in the right frame of mind to be talking to anyone. i love you so much and i am sorry. i know you are really upset me still coz you have the angry tone when I called u up this morning.

Today I hope I get to distress alil despite the meetings and work to do. all thanks to my team lead who is on 3 days leave and leaving me in-charge.Will be going out to Suntec City with Zulie as she wanna check out the Levi's Warehouse Sale. I brought my dslr along so I hope I get to capture anything interesting today just to cheer myself up.

Alright all. Gotta start with work now.

Have a great wednesday!


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