Sep 22, 2008

Super Mundane

My thoughts ran wild; so wild that it turned to sleep.
Yes. A cooling monday morning indeed, having to walk from the flat all to the way to the pickup point was nuthing but a drag. Dear brother on night-shift this week hence the need to walk on our two feets. yes call me lazy. come on its a monday plus it was 0550 mind you!

As soon as i got into the bus, inserted my loveable Audiotechnica earphones and blast (softly) new downloaded tracks. Closed my eyes and next thing I knew I was woken up by lights which only means we have arrived. Badly need sleep, walked as brisk as posibble, took the elavator up walked again to my desk and there you go, the continuation of my sleep (it was 0645hrs btw) and i only start work at 0730hrs.

Hey don't get me wrong not that I am complaining of the working hours just my not-usual lazy mundane monday! Plus 7 more days and it will be my 4 years anniversary here in this company. My only tot now is MORE years to come. Screw my 5 years bond (made up myself). Due to some reorganisation withing my department, I've decided to do a switch fresh next January and due to dat I've cleared all confusion and decided I need to be here for another 2-3 more years. (Bah!)

Ok I think it's time for me to start doing my work now (looked at time dang! 0900hrs)
Malas bole.?!!!


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