Nov 28, 2009

Jumping the rope - The Best Exercise to lose weight?

Ok I can't stop searching and google what Jumping rope can really do. Still not satisfied until I read this article. (I randomly read it skipping some lines.. get it? SKIPPING?) oh nevermind. jumptherope

But just like what RuxtA told me, skipping for like 15mins beats 10km of running.

Then this article mentioned "Running can cause knee problems, especially if you are overweight, but that is not the case if you jump the rope. In contrast to running, jumping rope is unlikely to lead to knee damage since the impact of each jump or step is absorbed by both legs. "

Like seriously this I agree, my knees have been giving me some problems ever since I graduated from Secondary school and up til today, I have to make sure they are both in a good condition. If skipping can avoid that, I'm all for it. But I still love running and I miss relay track events. Sigh...:(

So come on people, grab yourself a rope and start skipping your fats away. "Jumping rope is the cheapest fat burning exericse." so save your moolah and think again before you  sign up for fitness trainer whatsoever (my gf Rinn will kill me for this! LOL). If you don't have much time to spend and money to splurge, get a rope (cheapest $6 I think)...

I shall start skipping and will provide updates on my progress..


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