Finally it's a weekend. This wkend is one of those rare cases that I'm not out for any gigs or wadsoeva.Today I'm gonna visit my parents and my aunt will be coming over to discuss on the deco and gubahans, etc.
And FORTUNATELY, I do have some stuffs to clear today and so I've decided to do overtime. Like wad yoie mentioned in her blog, its OT season is back for her and for me too. =p Well since there are work to do, why not rite?
(fact that I'm multiplying now. Haha)
Short break la :D
After that short break i took in the morning. Its 2pm now as I'm typing this line.
Note to self. Have a break! ok that is why im continuing to type random. Hungry and so I took 3 mini biscuits from my colleague. He's not around tho and so I said "Richard! i take 3 ar. ok thanks".. Haha. We usually do that to each other lor..
Earlier I chatted with my manager via YM. She didnt come to wk due to some other urgent issues bt managed to login to "check" on my progress for today's issue. And we chatted bout other things too. She finally asked bout zulie and so I told her that Zulie has already given birth last month. hehe. My bad that I did not inform her. Tho Zulie and I are from a different dept, most ppl here knows we are like "belangkas".. :D
She was telling me a sad story. Her relative passed away last nite due to Breast Cancer. Scary illness. She only got to know that she was diagnose with cancer 3 months ago. She went for therapy yesterday afternoon by died at night. and I tot medicine and all suppose to atleast cure ppl but in this case, it failed.
Due to this, 2 of her kids are left an orphan. One 13yrs old and the other 16. My lady boss big brother might adopt them.
I remembered the last time I tot I might have breast cancer. Went to checkups and all. Thank god it wasnt. But for the best, when I reached the age of mid 30s, I will need to go for checkup and get advice if I can go for an early Mammogram. I ordered a pink ribbon bracelet in a support to Breast Cancer Foundation via Avon products and today I'm getting it from my SIL. Woohoo. That will be my 2nd fav bracelet. My 1st will be this current G.F.F. bracelet bought by my GFF (Tina, Yan, Sher and Amy). A gift for me on my Engagement Day 2 yrs ago.
Gosh I have few minutes left to 1430. Yeah. Gonna clear as much as I can within this few minutes and gonna leave this place as messy as it is now. Haha.
Ok people. random entry by me. toodles.
have a great weekend aite!
Nee Soon East CC

Yo peeps, RuxtA.XS original phamily E-tracX is organising a Hip Hop Workshop at Nee Soon East CC this Sunday at 1600hrs.
If you're an aspiring Emcee, Dj, Graffiti Artist, B-Boy, Beat-Boxer, Producer or simply just love Hip Hop or its forums. Come on down, maybe you can get tips and tricks of the trade. What it got to be in the Hip-Hop game.
Speakers and demonstrators in the workshop will be Dj KoFlow *Fader Masters*& Dj Shellsuit *KoLab*, B-boy Felix *Radical Force* and MC Garuda *Golden Triangle Records*.
You might be able to put your hands on the wax and scratch your a** off like your homeboy Dj RuxtA.
Oh did I told you that its free! Yup!
Come on down,cause you know that ShowStars.Inc will. See you there.
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