27/10/07: Beraya wid Polymates
We have not done this for the longest time and finally this year, with Tina in SG, we all managed to squeeze our time to spend Raya together. Despite my 1 month in advance to spend dat very day wid XS Clan, I decided to give it a miss and join my friends instead. GFF was full force dat day.. Miss spending sex talk just the 5 of us. Yea nutin but share sex hot juicy topics.

I’ve yet to upload the pics to Multiply for Sher to grab them. Tahun depan bole tk? =p
28/10/07: Beraya wid Ruxta and parents
A trip up to visit my parents at Pasir Ris. As usual, good food no doubt bout dat… * winks * Sayang mak…
29/10/07: Ruxta’s 25th Bday
Present him a collage of pics taken this yr during his showcases/competitions and present him H.I.M black leather wallet. Blackforest cake. Dinner at Swensens. Love you Ruxta. Loads.

30/10/07 to 2/11/07: Preparing for Perjumpaan Hari Raya

8/11/07: Istana Raya 07
Had a simple assignment over at Taman Warisan yesterday. For Istana Raya 07. Just be ‘pemanis’ to the event, and assist VIPs. Met up wid Ruxta in the evening, Sim Lim walking, ZamZam murtabak and Suntec Starbucks Coffeebreak.
My Dream Dias

Next event. 10/11/07: Bedsty Music Presents Magnolius.Playden.
We have not done this for the longest time and finally this year, with Tina in SG, we all managed to squeeze our time to spend Raya together. Despite my 1 month in advance to spend dat very day wid XS Clan, I decided to give it a miss and join my friends instead. GFF was full force dat day.. Miss spending sex talk just the 5 of us. Yea nutin but share sex hot juicy topics.
I’ve yet to upload the pics to Multiply for Sher to grab them. Tahun depan bole tk? =p
28/10/07: Beraya wid Ruxta and parents
A trip up to visit my parents at Pasir Ris. As usual, good food no doubt bout dat… * winks * Sayang mak…
29/10/07: Ruxta’s 25th Bday
Present him a collage of pics taken this yr during his showcases/competitions and present him H.I.M black leather wallet. Blackforest cake. Dinner at Swensens. Love you Ruxta. Loads.
30/10/07 to 2/11/07: Preparing for Perjumpaan Hari Raya
Busy preparing for Perjumpaan Hari Raya for my company. Stayed over at the company bungalow on Friday nite to do the deco. Slept at 5am. But was fun, laughing my ass off dat nite. Til I actually pasted my company name senget.. Hahaha.
3/11/07: Perjumpaan Hari Raya
Satisfying Nite. Tiredness paid off. No doubt..
3/11/07: Perjumpaan Hari Raya
Satisfying Nite. Tiredness paid off. No doubt..
8/11/07: Istana Raya 07
Had a simple assignment over at Taman Warisan yesterday. For Istana Raya 07. Just be ‘pemanis’ to the event, and assist VIPs. Met up wid Ruxta in the evening, Sim Lim walking, ZamZam murtabak and Suntec Starbucks Coffeebreak.
Next event. 10/11/07: Bedsty Music Presents Magnolius.Playden.
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