Last saturday, my family gathered and have iftar @ wdlands crib. Usually we do it on the 1st weekend of ramadhan but due to some unforseen circumstances, it was postponed til last sat. loads of food and we managed to surprise my lil nephew, Faris. He was so happy to see the cake. It was an advance celebration for him though, that is y he was even more surprised. :) we all know he will grow up and break loads of girls heart. come on look at him.. at this young age, young girls like to come up to him, but he simply ran away. he is just shy...

who says money cant buy happiness?
well i used to have said that money CANT buy happiness but then again we do need money to survive. seriously, its not a joke wen i finally decided to invest my cpf last nite. the amount of money to be use for medical fees, old age, retirement and etc. oh and not forgetting getting my own place after marriage.
somehow for now, i can finally breathe fact that ive done that. i do see a gd point doing it and i advice who has not done it, to do it. because starting next yr, cant invest in ur cpf anymore. its like Now or Never. If you would want me to recommend my advisor, please do feel free to inform me ok. drop me a tag or email or sms me.
Besides that, I decided to take up something I neva tot I would do. Its still grey now however, I will do my best to achieve this. Hopefully this will help much in saving more money for my big day. Insya'allah.
who says money cant buy happiness?
well i used to have said that money CANT buy happiness but then again we do need money to survive. seriously, its not a joke wen i finally decided to invest my cpf last nite. the amount of money to be use for medical fees, old age, retirement and etc. oh and not forgetting getting my own place after marriage.
somehow for now, i can finally breathe fact that ive done that. i do see a gd point doing it and i advice who has not done it, to do it. because starting next yr, cant invest in ur cpf anymore. its like Now or Never. If you would want me to recommend my advisor, please do feel free to inform me ok. drop me a tag or email or sms me.
Besides that, I decided to take up something I neva tot I would do. Its still grey now however, I will do my best to achieve this. Hopefully this will help much in saving more money for my big day. Insya'allah.
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