Jun 20, 2006

Silent is GOLDEN?

they were fine before i got engaged. but since dat sunday. everything went silent. how i dislike the silent surrounding. so disliking it. and these has been goin on for nearly a week. one of them need to break free. confront. talk. get things clear. if i were one of them. i will just talk. same dept. sitting nxt to each other. y this grudge? once again. i'm disliking this. coz its not 'fun' animore. partly i know wats da reason and all. and honestly i don wanna get involve. 1 week later after pure silence from them. the other email me and just told me wat she did wrong til da other didnt talk to her at all. argghhh. someone help me to get these 2 to get together and communicate. seriously. its nuting to BIG. this time. i see 2 females having their own ego way worst compared to a guy. REALI!


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