Jun 30, 2006
Jun 29, 2006
Jun 28, 2006
WorldCup Craze
da match last nite was worth watching fo. Brazil Vs Ghana. Great attempts from both teams. 5 min in da fers half, Ronaldo scored and dat finalised dat he's he top scorer for da World Cup eva with 15 goals.Followed by 2 more goals from Aldriano (46+min) and Ze Roberto (84min). Ghana had their chances too. At extra time (3min), the samba boys are trying their luck fo another goal or two. Cafu
actually tried to score 2 goals bt jus not his luck. But hey!! Brazilians won. 3-0 to Ghana. Woohoo.
Spain Vs France. 3-1. woohoo. so meaning...
like a rematch of worldcup in 1998. Brazil Vs France for the Quater Finals. Match will be this weekend. woohoo.!!!! But this time hope Brazil win. Unlike da 1998 match where France won 3-0 against Brazil. (*cross finger*) Gonna stay up to watch that match. reali. i'm this crazy suddenly.
Adding to da craziness. i'm wearing my nike Brazilian top today to werk.
yup. crazy enuff!
Aside to fren issue.all gd fo now.i gave in. anihoos it was all my fault. at least for now. we're cool.
Jun 27, 2006
im missing a fren rite now. gosh. noe u're hurt. sori. i reali am sori.
Jun 26, 2006
tis mornin i was so pissed off wit sumthing i find alil ridiculous. things dat suddenly made me go crazy and how i wish i culd reali front U and just say find ur own IDENTITY will u?! ppl start calling u her clone. from head to toe. u're trying to strike the same as her. like i had ENUFF of this coz she will run back to me and go "i so need to do something DIFFERENT now.." and each time she said different. it will altogether go back to square 1. i have nutin against this but reali. at least find alil sumthing different in u. and now dat she finally had a hair done DIFFERENTLY. u claimed she following me. damn gf. sometimes. u just have to think before u utter something out and lucky for u, she's so nice to dare herself to do sometin different and know dat u wuldnt dare to do. she's giving in and lettin u take wats hers. come on. from the same heels. same top. same handbag. arrgggh. me goin crazy reali. u know wat she looking for and u wanna look for da same thing and ended she will stop looking for it and let u take it. all those 'goods hunting' with me reali not worth it. REALI!
just me bitching here. fark.
Jun 24, 2006

suppose to have da touch for CLEO mag which she promised but sadly gf is on mc today. or maybe halfday leave. gosh. so in need of her rite now. its been lyke a daily ritual where we will be 'chatting' with each other virtually. i so have things to tell her rite now. lyke i had chocolate milkshake yesday and how irritatin she became when i sms her. the hair therapy dat were planned for nxt wed. wat colour of hair. hairstyle. yesterday curry ketam. today's plan. simply. GOSSIPS. honestly i just gotta tell her stuffs. real bad. cant wait for Monday. arrggh. damn. Zulie. i'm going crazy now. and ya. too bad for your 4hrs ot today. so looks like. u'll be behind with 4hrs of ot. HaHa. so we will be in da same boat huh. coz i'll be 10hrs behind of ot. Haha. still i'm so in need of dat shopping therapy end of this month. things have not been siding me. unplanned things happened at da very last minute.my mood is uncontrollable now.PMS?! hmm. or just being such a lazybum. i'm blurting as much nonsense here. my apologies. BAH!
Jun 23, 2006
not so gorgeous me

I was in frenster site and read my dear matilda's entries. she posted this yesterday....
Kikin had to pose fer the camera in many awkward ways. She had to place her fingers elegantly to her chin and smile at a certain angle and sorts. Thats pretty much something i can never do. To start with, i'm just camera shy and if i had to, i love making dumb faces. AND i'm usually happy with how the pic turns out. Heh...
honestly. i had to do some elegant poses which i was quite comfortable in yet i still can remember the look of this girl's eyes. she was smiling away seeing me standing, posing, smiling for the camera. still it was tiring enuff. and it was only a suit of baju. wat if there's more den one?! gosh. i'll be dead beat smiling. posing. yadayada.
I've always have this tot that during 'pernikahan and persandingan', how i will look like. meaning. mind u. i perspire alot. walking to the front door just to put on my sneakers can make me perspire. so with outfits like traditionally, sanggul and thick make up will do more damage. for the people. pictures. video(if any).. plus i'm scared i mite look uglier.
So i was thinking the same thing when i was getting engage on 110606. like ultimately i badly need a full blasting fan or 18 degrees aircon temp under me. but thankfully. my dear 3rd brother. brought along his fan from home just to make it stand and blow air towards me. stil i was perspiring. tanks to my mak andam who wiped the sweat off my face. and its all done now. Wee!
pictures all up. and i'm at least proud to say i do look different. with makeup on coz i don apply powder, eyeshadow, lipstick, blusher, eyeliner, mascara dat much on normal days. just a simple person.who prefer natural makeup.natural look. simple outfit. i may look offbeat to the fashionistas out there. added to my 'you don look 23' phrase. younger girls will mostly stare at me. seriously. they do. coz i may look their age.yea. bla. they dress nicely and all. but y look at me when i'm not even a match for you ppl. stop staring at me and stare at ur own boobs mind u. strange but true how 'sembarang' i dress, these gerls will still look at me and some even do some bitching with their frens. y even bother looking at me den turn away as i look at u and ur whole dressing. pls. coz i'm not so up to da girlish dressing. besides i have the UGLIEST feet. NOT fair and flawless skin. hair is in a MESS. darkeye circle. puffy eyes. PLUS no sense of dressing. but then again. i think i do attract some attention. at werk at least.
ok this part maria will say this to me.. "ee kikin mentel ye.." rite girl? LOL.
come on. girls. admit it. every girls love attention. so i admit. i do like it. but not to the extend of flirting and all. yet i was known as the super arrogant malay girl 1yr ago at werk just becoz i don smile. i don smile if i donno u. and if u just know my name it doesnt make me know u. or even ur name. here i'm not referring to boys but girls too. yup. i was dat bad. but all that had stopped (depending on mood). i'm friendlier now to the girls and some of the boys who willing to talk to me and be frens. trust me. there are some who wanna noe just to get it down with u here. gosh. yucks.
lucky for me for being arrogant. some will be jealous enuff to ask some y i don speak to them but speak to da others. here i will say that it doesnt make ur goodlooks.ur pretty face for me to be fren u. at least i know u exist. and i noe ur name coz frens been bugging me telling me bout u. again. do i look like i care. dat u have da bestlook eva here at work. sori. coz u just got the wrong gerl. reali. which make u wanna noe me more. hah.still tanks to some frens here. mentioning to u dat i'm happily engage. so thank you very nice. coz if u even come to me last few months ago just to know me and get my number. i will still be this egoist. playing hard to get? maybe. i choose who i wanna be frens with. and u just a person
i see once awhile in da cafeteria.i wont label u as a fren. neva. trust me. sori. we're just collegues. werking in da same company.bah.
Anihoos.tanks to all those who came to my engagement day. and complimenting my pics. Mak andam and Cameraman did a great job. Else i wont be looking dat gorgeous.
its a F R I D A Y
Finally its a F-R-I-D-A-Y. but i'm just aint feelin it. Suppose to head down to Esplanade today for the HipHop Hook up. Tot of starting with the review thingy for sideproject. But dat got to go coz gonna nurse hubby at his plc rite afta werk. whenever he's sick.. i'll be his savior. : )
Jun 22, 2006
been awhile since I knock out from work at 430pm instead of the usual 630pm. (OT) mind u my werking timing is from 730am to 430pm... Then these happened yesterday afternoon:-
1. It was burning hot. weather was killing me.
2. I was wearing black. lucky thing decided not to wear my black blazer home. left it in da office.
3. board the bus. it was like a sauna. uncle did not start the engine and there goes no aircon.
Again i say. weather was HOT!
4. still no sight of him. ppl are getting impatient. me? started to fan myself with my cd album
5. started to perspire. my top start to get wet as sweat rolled down my back. arrghh. hate it.
6. planned to meet Nana (Secskul gf) at causewaypoint. ended up met her and go home instead of
chilling at Mac.
7. On da way home. saw baby sisinlaw to be and her bf. been awhile i saw that childhood fren of
mine. cukup semangat.. =p
8. chilled at hm. picture browsing with nana.
9. 7+pm, head down to Causewaypoint wit nana. had dinner at MAC. and had a gd catching up.
10. She started telling me bout her jaw injury and this fri will be goin for her another surgery.
Arrgghh. Ngilu!!
As she was telling me wat happen to her last few months due to her bike accident. Gosh. i was so scared. reali. to lose a fren if anything worst had happened to her. now her jaw got problem. cant open her mouth wide and she has a screw and stuffs. besi and all in her jaw.. wtf! i was so scared. she wanna show me da pic during the surgery and i declined. cannot tahan animore. i was reali2 scared to see all these. Told her to be more careful. hopefuli she'll be ok soon. hope this week's surgery go smoothly. Insya'allah.
Jun 21, 2006
Jun 20, 2006

XCountry on last sat was ok. i was kinda upset with myself. stamina kinda sucks now. Gonna try for top 3 nxt year. July - August . SBU games. plus there's Biathlon. shuld i or shuld i not take part. hard ponders . . . . Hmm.. lets think it over AGAIN.
Jun 16, 2006
Jun 15, 2006
Levi's ® x MoS - The Fashion Inspiration
Jun 14, 2006
Is this kinda 'beef'? sup wit crew and stuffs. sumtimes. werking alone. is pretty much a-ok. then again. werking as a team. do pay-off the fun and team-work. some i**-Xs-PE shit happening ere.
Dirty Canvas kinda have to KIV for da moment. due to personal matter. Nina. Hang in der sweets. I donno how it feels to lose someone. abestfren especiali a dad. u,rai,me and arin will be back with the project soon aite. Paying the respect to your dad. May Allah rahmati roh ya. Amin. While Dirty Canvas on KIV state, Hubby dear will be busy with DJ showcase and battles to join/attend these few months. His passion for music amazed me sometimes. all proud. all respect. to him.
Intention of a tshirt design of my own. miss them. Tshirts. Sneakers. Gonna get them soon. Real soon. and dear hubby. u owe me a pair of White Nike AF1. remember? .Tank Q very nice. muacks. <3 you.
Jun 12, 2006

Jun 9, 2006

Narayumi <3 Ruxta
this sunday.110606. our 6yrs9months anniversary.luv u loads hubby. dj ruxta. muacks. baby missing yu now.
Happy 11th months ann to my lil cusin Maria and Yasin. Heart you my Matilda
Jun 7, 2006

Damn! received an invitation to MOS tmr nite to check out the MC Battle. but too bad for me i got to be home doing the deco and all. this sucks! Informed hubby and he told me he forgot to tell me that he's goin with Dil. As one of the emcee is none other then DEREK. the Fudgeecrew member. this sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ordered cake on monday!.. seriously rite afta i ordered it, i became totally excited. went to Fitness First yesterday after werk for a trial session. was a nice place. gd facilities. should i sign up? hmm.. still deciding.. then again to pay dat much to tone up my body?.. hmm.. maybe i shuld just stick to cck gym. =p
today, gonna get the bunga telur. going straight to Jurong Point to get da stuffs. go for dinner. coz i'm damn hungry rite now. mom's coming tonite.. yea!
tmr gonna be another super busy day for me and plus tmr me need to rush home asap. Tmr gubahan day. fri-deco day. sat-rewang day... sunday-The Big Day!!! omg. mak andam called me after lunch to confirm my costume and all. but there is a change in colour for the baju. she wanna me wear the latest one. so ok. i'm ok with it as it was the colour i initially want. so hurray for me...
planned out with cusins to wear something dat meets my theme. hopefuli they wear it. haiz. crossfingers.
an hr to go before i can punch out. so damn excited. all my frens are. hope things go smoothly and i hope i'll look fine dat day... =p
Jun 5, 2006
excited! nervousness aside.
gonna go to Fitness First today after work.
Tmr after work, hmm. where shall i go..?.. GYM again!
Wed after work, go and collect my Bunga Telur.
Thurs after work, BZ liao... deco and all.
Fri and Sat.. off from work!... and busy busy.
Gonna get my nails done for Sunday.. =p
Arrghh this reali excites me. YEA!!
11th June 06 - the day after 6yrs and 9 months.you and me gonna tie the knot. 3 yrs to come, living happily eva afta.