Mar 27, 2009


lack of updates for mainly because work has taken out so much energy out of me since im lacking of it. im down with a flu, sore throat and fever come and go. due to project and conducting training and support users, i choose to be here at work. yes bodoh mmg bodoh.

but looking at the bright side of every angle, today is a friday and for once, i would really really love to be home today, resting. no dinner, plans for tonite. except that if im feeling well, i'll go for a jog. remedy to a feverish or lazy/tired body is to overwork it alil more.. like seriously! it does works for me; sometimes.

i still have pending pictures to upload from yantee's hen's party with the girls last friday. no worries ladies, it will be privatized and also wednesday dinner with "starbucks lt cheerleaders" gfs. In brief summary, yan's hen's party was the bomb. from Vivo to B&J at Demsey Hill, to Ngee Ann Poly and Oohtique (Sizzling Hot!). Great company, great lovely time we had rite girls.. All I can say, when you have some "corrupted" minds gfs in 1 room, its chaotic! (its a good thing, rite?) well go figure. We're just girls who wanna have fun. *winks*

Then dat nite, N.E.R.D - Pharell William like omg! I was jumping like crazee. Well everyone in that theater were. Singing along, shouting and whats not. Mainly those who went, still had that N.E.R.D energy since they came out from the venue. I had mine still intact til the next morning. yup. crazee aint it!!

Me and RuxtA did our indoor/outdoor shoot. Wet saturday, but did not dampen our mood at all. We proceeded and we're glad it's over. Can't wait to view those pictures. Especially that Sunset moment and Rainbow shot (both on the same venue) side by side. I love you RuxtA!!

so much of the lack of updates. I shall now bid goodbye. wanna have my rest now. Lunch time liao. It's sleeping time.. !!

Mar 20, 2009

Its Party Time!

Oh morning bloggers! Happy Happy Friday....Woohoo!

wads so good today you tell me? well lemme tell u 1st.

1st of all. its Friday and yes. ofcoz.. weekend is here. 2ndly, me and gfs gonna meet up.. gather ourselves go somewhere (surprise) for the bride to be.. 3rdly, tonight after the hen's party with gfs.. im heading down to Esplanade to watch N.E.R.D live in concert with RuxtA. Ohhh... yummy pharell william..

so good so nice. Friday I love.!!

And tmr we will be doing our indoor/outdoor shoot.. I really really hope the weather is gonna be extra fine tomorrow. Insya'allah.

Few more months til big day... Feeling all nervous already but equally excited!!

Mar 13, 2009

The Mammoth Shoot

The Mammoth Shoot
4th April 2009 (Saturday)

Are YOU a Hip Hopper?? Do YOU have your own Phamlay(Family)?? Do YOU know how many Hip Hop Phamlays are there in the scene now in SG?? Well well well.. YOU will soon know because after he had spoken, Mr 36 aka Yasin Rahim is organising "The Mammoth Shoot".

Clueless of what it's all about? Let's just put it that we're going to witness something historical in the book of SG Hip Hop and we want YOU to support him by just coming down with your Hip Hop Phamlay/Clique or whatever you call them and together with other SG Hip Hop Phamlay that you might already know or may not heard of; all with the same mission to promote SG Hip Hop!!

If you're down with the whole agenda, do gether your Phamlay members and get back to us with the details of your Phamlay in this format:-

Email/Contact No:
No. of members:
Add a paragraph about your Phamlay details (How it started, why that name, etc)

Send us your details to Yasin ( & Showstars.Inc ( by 29th March 2009. We hope to hear from ya'll soon and most of all hope to see ya'll there to promote SG Hip Hop and mark a historical event for SG.

Below is the man himself and some of his work.

Media Ref by Mr 36 Flickr

Written: RuxtA.Showstars
Posted: Narayumi.Showstars

Support SG Hip Hop!

Mar 3, 2009

Miss them love them


I know there aint no point of me to state all these. But sometimes my actions are less but my words are more that what they all are.

wadeva it is. please meet me up this coming friday.

Mar 2, 2009

sleepy monday..

tired. drained out. over the wkends. discussed with family on some issues. colour coordination and more. and yea finally went for 2 days marriage course over the wkend. got acquainted with cool nice couples. especially the ones who sat on the same table as us. all giler and sembarang :) got the certs laminated yesterday too. *winks*

now. dead tired. just got back from site for the barcoding project. hungry and more.

got the quotation for the rings and all i can say is thanks! to yanni and hussain from Gems by Gems. will get back to them by tomorrow morning.. as soon as RuxtA said the OK to proceed.

happy sleepy monday ppl..