Nike Singapore Presents: Dj Koflow's EP launch at the Nike's Human race
31st August 2008
1900hrs - 1930hrs

In conjunction of Nike Singapore Human Race this 31st August, RuxtA's mentor Dj Koflow will be launching hs EP. Do come down to support Koflow and also other local performers this Sunday at the Padang. (Psst! Freaky Z will be there too) If you happen to be one of the 10KM runners, do hang around after your race for this show in the evening.
FYI, Koflow is the Opening Act for Kanye West Glow in the Dark Concert this 19th Sept!
From: Dj Ko Flow (sent from Facebook)
Subject: Where to get the EP
"Hello everyone, i had recently received lotsa email regarding where to get the CD if you couldn't make it down to the concert. so i have got some help from the kind people of LeftFoot and Roxy records, and so if you're in town or city hall ya can visit LeftFoot ( Cathay, Cineleisure and Far Fast ), or Roxy Records at level 2 Exelsior hotel. Each CD is at $5 min donation, so if ya could affort to give up yr chocolate for the day, pls donate more to the less fortunate:) Peace.....Thanks for all the support you guys gave me."