oh yes its TGIF!
I just wanna wrapped up some good stuffs that happened this week.
Well to those feel it like a bore. Then don mind clicking the X button. :)
Mon, July 14
Had my own training at da gym. Just did my 2.4km run on the trackmill.Bad timing indeed. in 19mins I cleared the whole click. Face all went red but felt good afta that.
Tue, July 15
Wanna do another round of training but Miss period came and coloured my tuesday wid blood. boohoo. went off at 1630 and head straight home. Tried out Nike Free women at Sportslink. Tot of getting new running shoes and the Nike Sportsband. But atlast I gave it a miss. Maybe end of the month perhaps. Just wanna monitor my progress over these months.
Wed, July 16
Despite the redness, I went for my futsal training over at Fico.
Only 11 girls made it for that training as some had to go for their Basketball training for this sunday's tournament. Overall I enjoyed the session. Though I tot I was over reacted to some slight mistakes the girls were doing. Hey I am not the team captain, but I am assisting her so i think i do have alil right to wake up those girls. game in 2 weeks time, there's no way we could slacken off now. We need to win this. Yes I mean it. We have to work as a team. And so far, the team I played on wednesday was the best teamwork ever. with my gf Zulie as my right wing. :) @ the end of the day, I apologised for my rudeness for shouting and all. But hey that's part of the game.(that was their first time to see me flared up.)
Just received a broadcast email and our company is currently at the top with 244 points just with 2 games (Golf and Darts) and 2nd in logo design. We have Basketball, Pool, Futsal, Bowling, Badminton and grand finale Vertical Marathon left!! We can do this!
Thurs, July 17
Had my vertical marathon training at 1730. Since dear zulie forgot her attire, I made my way on my own for the training. Another superb session i guess. Last week I went for only 2 sets (of 10storeys) but yesterday with mentally prepared and with strategic plan, I made my way up 10 storeys doing 6 sets = 60 storeys.
I was pushing myself to the limit and it was worth it. I was wet with sweats and whole body turned red. Cant wait for more trainings every thursday and on the 16th Aug, up 50 storeys at One Raffles quay with the rest of the guys & girls.
Fri, July 18
Happy 26th Birthday to my dear cusin, Fairuz. This year has been a rollercoaster ride for you. Now that you are single once again, I could see you are much happier now. Tho we planned to get married on the same year, mr love luck went off to another direction, leaving you stranded alone in misery. But look at the bright side, with the company of lovely ppl around you now, notin could beat the feeling of another "chance" of falling in love again. Take it slow for now bro. Don't make the same mistake twice.
I would also like to wish Zulie and Ery advance 1yr wedding anniversary and advance bday to Ery.
Anihoos, I'm taking this time to add an entry before I start to get busy this morning. Some of the girls will be meeting up today afta wk to head down to Queensway to get our futsal shoes and jerseys.
Then I will be meeting the boys (65Hope) for meeting at Al-Majlis. Tmr will be my saturday off, will have my rest for my big Sunday.
So excited for it, cant wait to run 5click. My 1st time running 5click, I hope I make it all the way, no giving up!!
Below is the route path for 5km and 10km run. To those who are participating this Sunday, good luck.
Have a good rest and sleep on saturday and don't train yourself too hard 24hrs before the race.

have a great weekend ppl!