Aug 27, 2007
Aug 25, 2007
Aug 21, 2007
5th - DJ Ruxta
4th - Nado (I forgot his DJ name)
3rd - DJ Ritz
2nd - DJ Ko'Flow
1st - DJ Inquisitive (Defending Champion)
Whatever it is.. I am very proud of Ruxta. Dear, do better next yr ok and please number your vinyls. especially your scratch vinyl. *kiss kiss*
19th Aug. Ratu Songket 2007 Finals. Pagent. I cant believe I got myself into this. haha. well.Not much pic from me. As expected wont be in top 3. yet i donno wads my placing. But im so glad Fadzila was crowned Queen. Next event, maybe Hari Raya Light up on 9th Sept.

Aug 18, 2007
Tonite DMC 07 at Zouk. All the best boys. Especially to my DJ Ruxta. *love*
but sadly I cant stay for the afterparty. gotta rest and sleep well as tmr is my anticipating moment. somehow I have this feeling I wont nail it to the top, but I will do my best. Wish me luck guys (to those who know what I'm up to) =p
Aug 17, 2007
Aug 15, 2007
reasoning the fact i tot i will be in dat bad condition today so I can visit the medical centre here and say maybe receive an MC and at da same time, i was thinkin of being absent for today's lunch meeting. wahahaha.. bt hey too bad, my dear manager kinda need me arnd for this meeting, well sebagai pekerja contoh, here i am at work, in the office.. (ok despite im blogging and she is not in yet no worries..) =p
will be having da rehearsal later today.. tmr will be another long journey to Kovan. hope all fall in place. kinda excited though. gotta do my best.
My Mr DJ busy doing his thang too. This saturday is DMC @ Zouk. The invites design this yr kinda cool.; colourful. Hope to see the usual people to come and support him and da other DJs competing too.
Saturday will be me supportin him frm the dancefloor, and Sunday will be his turn doing it for me. OOhh.. so exciting..!!
Aug 14, 2007
Ok blame me for being a workhaholic. bah~
need to recover soon. else i wont be in a gd state of mind and body for the event.
Wish me luck ppl..
Aug 10, 2007
an hr plus to go. and im glad im knocking off early today. Tmr I will be on leave and hope to have fun. im alil excited though. before all that, i gotta attend the briefing tonite. not sure how it will all turn out due to the fact it is so last minute for me.
ok time ticking away... gotta get down and do my work now.. toodles ppl.
Aug 8, 2007
plus point is, we get to rest at home. coz my dear hubby needs his rest too....
oh aniways, we had serious talk. as she puffed and puffed and i continue enjoyin my grande java chip frapp, received a msg frm shasha (who actuali told us the day before that she culd not make it).. well, she dropped by afta work and 'we' who initially said we do not wanna eat, got out ass up and walked to far east to makan. Roti John Sardine with cheese was my choice. we chatted. but this time it was wacky girls talk. and last warning to the 3 'pakcik' beside us. 1st of all, u look 'uncle-ly', then please don be a kaypoh and earsdrop our conversation (ok despite we were load ofcoz), but that wasnt a reason for u to be a kaypoh-nang ok... then 2nd, 'cermin' dirimu before it striked your bloody minds to tackle rinn (ok we all know she's hot, hotter now. her hair colour wows me ok!! sungguh PANAS!).. they really euuks me; us as a matter of fact.
well the rest of the conversation, were all kelaka nak mampos.. the 3 for $10 ring incident.. but best of all was the ride home in train.. we talked bout kiasu ppl. come on we all have our fair share of strange/kiasu/weird/rude ppl on boarding the train, rite? well.. i hope they had a gd last laugh to my story. seriously WHACKED!
its a wednesday morning, tmr is National Day. woohoo. ok should i be patrotic tmr since i will be at One Fullerton to watch my Mr DJ and MC Tech'1 performance... *wonders in deep tots*
Aug 6, 2007
on sat, i finally get out from the office at 113oam. its been awhile i knocked off at this time. went to rochor as it was colouring time. 3tones of colour. well it was an accident.
asked for 2. bt got 3. for the same price, why not rite?! =p
Went to Pasir Ris to visit my parents. mom cooked mee siam, nasi goreng and daging manis and lontong for me. i came alone but mak cooked for me all that. honestly I was clueless as wad to eat at wad time.. haha...
on sunday, went out kinda early in the morning. met up hubby. went to bugis. den off to town. we did a mini shopping. thanks for hubby ofcoz. had my hair perm for a day. with the new colour. coolness. ok fact is i love my hair ok. bt now its back to straight. gonna have it curl soon.. woohoo...
can u see the 3 colours plus 2 mini pimples the right side of my chin area. darn!!
its a boring stressful monday for me here. im having a splitting headache and my eyes are closing... and i have an hr to go..
oh ya. tmr meeting rinn, shasha and ana. its starbucks Lt 'cheerleaders' day. cant wait to show rinn my hair colour and she cant wait to show hers to me. =p
Aug 3, 2007
sigh. sigh. sigh.
However, sigh-ness aside.. since its a friday. i dont wanna have any negative tots. nutin but all smiles for me coz amazingly workload has been super duper friendly. gladly no one did try to ruin my friday. im so loving TODAY.
Nonetheless, im kinda excited wid alil touch of nervousness coz its colouring tyme tmr. To those who noes me kinda well, u will get the hint. Told moom bout it last nite, as she cant wait to see the outcome too. woohoo. mak so gerek. Finally decided wad i want, thank u gf zulie and cuzin maria. just hope i don change at the very last minute. *winks*
Aug 2, 2007
as usual the normal dosage of my silliness, farah's sarcasticness wid added laughter and ati's normal mentelness. hahahaa...
and too bad. tmr wont be a cusin day for me. won' t be meeting Cuz Reza. Therefore tmr i'm free. Anyone wanna mt me tmr? wahahahha.
its so hard to meet hubby up nowadays due to his tight schedule of work. however, i would love to fetch him again like i did on monday....
just wanna say I miss u hubby and i noe u miss me too.. love u!!
Aug 1, 2007
This friday maybe meeting up my cusin Reza. If all plan out well, Rinn will be joinin us. yup miss Shakira-Beyonce lookalike. :)
Next week, cusin Maria's turn. This time around serious talk. more of it. damn im so pissed. i feel like biting his ears off and his mouth. or worst. stab his awful black heart. Damn u!!
Arrgghh GERAM ye!
Basically these few weeks, its cousinly love for me. but that doesnt mean i'm forgetting MR DJ huh...
Hubby, if u are reading this.